Dead Babies HELP NOW!

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Apr 4, 2005
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Oakesdale, WA, ,
:( I found about 8 dead baby mini rexbunnies. I have NO clue as to what could have causedthis. They were all dead. And I am still not surewhat to do with them! Please someone! Help!!!
So sorry to hear that you lost all the babies:( Bacterial and/or viral infections are one of the morecommon causes of litters dying.

Ritz wrote:
Yeah, it was...I just feel like it was my fault.

It wasnt your fault AT ALL! All bunnies have to be first time moms, ithappens alot! I was sort of a lucky one, my first time mom had herbabies ALL around the cage, lucky me I found them half frozen. But ithas been REALLY hard raising them, I usually have to take 3 differenthours out of my day to care for them. And the mother doesnt likefeeding them so I have scratches all down my arms, and now she hasirritated nipples and cant feed the babies properly! Check out my topichere babies are just BARELY surviving! But I am sure that your nextlitter will turn out better! :D

were they just born? did you see themalive? not sure there's much point in doing anything otherthan bury the poor things, it happens so often, although if they wereolder, you may want to try harder to find out what happened and get anautopsy (or whatever the right term is).
Nah, they were JUST born, but maybe a couple daysjust sitting there, as there was absolutely NO way I could have seenthem, as they were buried. And unfortuantly no, I didn't getto see them alive. : (
I hear more about bunnies being born deadorrabbit moms rejecting their babies (which usually meansthey die within minutes, it was a miracle that Amy managed to save hersfrom the very brink).It seems so strange thatithappens so often. :(

Nothing you could have done. Sorry you had to go through the trauma. :(

Awww so sorry to hear that, i feel so bad for you!!

well i think ya done what you could of done and nothingmore!!welll sorry for ya loss, som mummy buns arejust not cut out to be bunnie mums!!

well cht to ya laters hopeyou are ok!
I'm so sorry to hear about your litter.Rabbits so often seem to have trouble with those firstlitters. I'm going to be breeding my mini rex soon and I'vebecome really concerned about that "dreaded first litter".This was in no way your fault, unfortunately, it's just one of thosethings...

So sorry, Ritz.

What ashame. Don't blame yourself. If you had known and could've donesomething, you certainly would've.

Will say a prayer for you.

I'm so sorry too!:( Last month we lostour buns' first litter too. I was so so so sad to wake andsee the babes scattered all over the cage. I got lots ofencouragement from the members and they helped me realize it's not myfault. We didn't even know she was pregnant. Heck -we didn't even know we had a boy & girl. We thoughtwe had sisters. Ha. Our situation could have beeneither the male having attacked the babes, or the nest not beingsuitable ( no matter how much hay & fur she placed, it wasn'tenough to fill up the wire flooring) or she could have felt that shewasn't ready, or that they didn't have a good chance, and killed themor ignored them herself.

The good news is that she literally got pregnant the next day, we got anew cage for daddy, put in a suitable nest box, and gave her anotherchance. She had a beautiful healthy litter of 7 lastweek!! She's a great mommy, and the buns are just starting toopen their eyes. (This is mommy - Cloey - pictured in myavatar).

I'm still trying to figure out how to get some baby pictures postedinside these posts. I'll go check out my inquiry of a fewdays ago and see if there are any replies.

Hang in there - nature has it's way of taking care of these things. - Sara
If it makes you feel any better. A couple monthsago all four of my baby mini rexs died too. But Juliet was a first timemom, and she just didn't know what to do at the time. With me alsothough, I don't think the cold weather helped the kits out any either.But it is VERY normal for a first time moms litter to die or get sick.Sometimes the mom wont feed them, wont pull fur, or any of the above.But it was NOT your fault!!!