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Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2006
Reaction score
Marseilles, Illinois, USA
Ok, I've walked in before to find Mopsy floppedover on her side. I've seen all these picks of bunnies doingtheir Dead Bunny Flop. I've read allthese posts talking about it. But I've NEVER actually seenMopsy do "the flop". I was standing by the door getting readyto go to the store and looked up at Mopsy and was talking toher. When she just suddenly flopped over.It wasn't a relaxed laying down deal it was a "keeled over oh my goshis she dead?" flop. When I gasped she picked up her head,looked at me and I swear she grinned.
nermal71 wrote:
....and I swear she grinned.
Wait until you catch them giggling at you when they think you're not around ;)

They think it's REAL funny when they lay real still until you poke atthem and then they jump up and scare the beewhozits out of you.:disgust:
LOL!! Too funny...I swear they do, too...

I love how hard Flower sleeps...literally looks so dead that when wehave company, they can't resist asking if she's okay.HAHA!! It's funny, too, because she always knows they'retalking about her, and then looks up like, "What?!" and then crashes onout again. The funniest thing is that she DBF's almost everytime she lays down. It's so funny! Just CABOOM! andbunny is OUT for the count! HAHA!

I don't see Maisie do it nearly as often as Flower does, so when shedoes it, it really grabs my attention, especially because she almostalways does it on one of her levels up from the floor, and it causes aloud CRASH! Lol!!

Bunnies are so funny! :D

JimD wrote:
....and I swear she grinned.
Wait until you catch them giggling at you when they think you're not around ;)

They think it's REAL funny when they lay real still until you poke atthem and then they jump up and scare the beewhozits out of you.:disgust: