Daylight savings= BLEUGH!!

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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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Bristol, , United Kingdom
I got a bit confused last night, looking at the clock on my laptop that said almost 1am. And then I looked at it a lot later and it was only 1.15am! I thought time must just be passing really slowly... However, it took until I went to bed a short while later and looked at my bedside clock that said 3.30am and getting REALLY confused to realise what day it was and that the clocks had gone back. My laptop does it automatically, so I wasn't supposed to notice. Lol!!

Anyway, I HATE Daylight Savings. It's 12.30pm here now and it'll be dark in about 4 hours. SUCKS! It's the only thing I really hate about winter, I miss daylight :(

Oh, and does that mean that East Coast US is only 4 hours behind now instead of 5? More confusion! :p
:shock:I have no clue. I thought our daylight savings time started this coming weekend.
It now gets dark at about 5pm. How depressing!:grumpy:

I hate the way people try to make it seem more positive as well by saying we all get an extra hour of sleep. So what - I want my light!!:disgust:
Aaah, so that means we're an hour closer for a week, but then it changes... Does the whole of the US change at the same time? I remember that until I joined the forum last year I didn't even know that other countries had Daylight Savings LOL! :shock:

Bunnys_rule63 wrote:
It now gets dark at about 5pm. How depressing!:grumpy:

I hate the way people try to make it seem more positive as well by saying we all get an extra hour of sleep. So what - I want my light!!:disgust:
Hear hear!!

I remember my mum saying when we were little that they didn't do it one year, and they all went to school in the dark. I'd MUCH rather have an hour more of darkness in the mornings and an extra hour of light in the evenings!!
all i know is that the change is going to mean instead of my kids sleeping till 7 they will be up at 6 which will make me unhappy,lol. Time to pull out the blanket and put it on the window so it is darker in there

As far as who changes and who doesnt i know the whole world doenst change, but not sure who does and doesnt
Halloween Trick-or-Treaters

Through 2006, Daylight Saving Time in the U.S. ended a few days before Halloween (October 31). Children’s pedestrian deaths are four times higher on Halloween than on any other night of the year. A new law to extend DST to the first Sunday in November took effect in 2007, with the purpose of providing trick-or-treaters more light and therefore more safety from traffic accidents. For decades, candy manufacturers lobbied for a Daylight Saving Time extension to Halloween, as many of the young trick-or-treaters gathering candy are not allowed out after dark, and thus an added hour of light means a big holiday treat for the candy industry. Anecdotally, the 2007 switch may not have had much effect, as it appeared that children simply waited until dark to go trick-or-treating.

Chaos of Non-Uniform DST

Widespread confusion was created during the 1950s and 1960s when each U.S. locality could start and end Daylight Saving Time as it desired. One year, 23 different pairs of DST start and end dates were used in Iowa alone. For exactly five weeks each year, Boston, New York, and Philadelphia were not on the same time as Washington D.C., Cleveland, or Baltimore--but Chicago was. And, on one Ohio to West Virginia bus route, passengers had to change their watches seven times in 35 miles! The situation led to millions of dollars in costs to several industries, especially those involving transportation and communications. Extra railroad timetables alone cost the today's equivalent of over $12 million per year.

Stealing Time

As with the U.S., Great Britain has had a checkered past with Daylight Saving Time (or Summer Time, as it is known there). In the early part of the 20th century, citizens protested at the change, using the slogan, “Give us back our stolen hour.”

Daylight Saving Donut

In the U.S., Arizona doesn’t observe Daylight Saving Time, but the Navajo Nation (parts of which are in three states) does. However, the Hopi Reservation, which is entirely surrounded by the Navajo Nation, doesn’t observe DST. In effect, there is a donut-shaped area of Arizona that does observe DST, but the “hole” in the center does not.

Fun facts from :

Becuase A:
It was one hour extra before we got Benjii


B: I can't go and get the bunnies for a cuddle while watching weekend tv at night cuz its too dark :grumpy:
Wow, Elf Mommy! I never realised all that...

It's just really crazy to me, that people/governments can suddenly decide 'oh, let's change the time! woo!'

It scares me a bit...

Plus, I find the whole time changing concept REALLY hard to get my head around. A couple of years when the clocks changed I had to work on the Sunday and I was honestly up all night worrying about whether I had set my alarm right or not- even though I was meant to be getting an extra hour in bed, I lost it staying awake worrying- and then because it was light so blimmin' early!! :X

It annoys me in Spring time as well..... I love the lighter evenings, but just as I'm getting used to the mornings- they go and put the clocks forward and it's dark in the mornings again!

I try to figure out what would happen if they did nothing at all come Spring but my head just can't get around time changes..... it hurts my brain lol. It struggles enough just with flying to different countries etc... :?
NZminilops wrote:
I guess now is a bad time for me to be moaning about how hot and sunny it is in here right now at 6:30pm?


Um, Yes! (Chases NZ!:p)

It's 39F here tonight and windy, as it has been all day, ugh. Too cold for this time of year already, yikes!:grumpy::shock:

Not sure when Daylight Savings changes...:ponder: I know it's later than normal, but should be soon.

We wound our clocks on Setember 1st, seems like so long ago now!

I hate the dark mornings though 'cause I get up at 5 and it's freezing cold :grumpy:.
I love BST, and when it goes back to normal time I love it even more!

Most people I don't think are that affected on the day, but I have to go to work on Sundays. I left my phone on the 'wrong' time and the 'wrong' alarm, so I got up, and went back to bed for an hour! It felt great! I was so much more zingy feeling all day!

Plus I love coming out of work or something and it being dark. I just love it. It reminds me of Christmas and Winter. Daylight is boring. Its just... light. Everything looks better at night. I'm a very nightowly person. I get all crazy when it goes dark, like cats when their eyes go all wide and they go crazy. Maybe I'm a vampire!

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny

It was like 9C at 3pm yesterday and really strong winds. Then it was 4C at midnight, I hate the cold nights :grumpy: but I love it going darker sooner... Time to go lamping with the hawks :p but I hate having to put the hawks in the shed because of blain... its going to be frosty all next week apparently .:shock:

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