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<big sigh>:?
We have progressed in our bonding to the point where we have all 4 bunns on our bed together. Our sessions last anywhere from 1 hour to 2 depending on what kind of mood the bunns are in. Our bonded 3 are great with the new boy Dandelion. But Dandi (the one we are trying to bond) is being such a brat!:? He has only gotten in a nipping match once, with our dominant female, which resulted in some pulled fur(from her). He will hop up to the other bunns and softly nip at the sides of their chins where their whiskers are. If they don't do anything he will do it again harder this time. It has gotten to the point that the other bunns will jump a mile high and run and hide in the litter box! What exactly do you think he is trying to say? He doesn't hurt them...but they def have feelings about it.:?
He is an absolute fiend for mounting the girls. Especially the dominant bunn. Someone should warn him she will kick bunny butt if he keeps it up! The little bugger won't groom the other bunns either. They love to groom him and will...when he isn't nipping them! I understand some bunns take a little while to get with the grooming I am not worried about that. The bonded 3 have been really good with him...they don't nip or bite. They will let him cuddle up with them...but then he goes and pulls a dumb bunny trick like nipping and they all avoid him! I have been stopping the nipping and chasing when it starts (mostly because Dandi just had surgery 2 weeks ago) should I leave them alone and let them sort things out on their own? Or will the bonded 3 gang up on him? The scab on his face where the dissolvable stitches were just finally came off for all intents and purposes he is healed now. What do you think?:?
Even our male lop, Bummy who we were sure would handle the new bunn very poorly has been great. He tried to nip Dandi last night but I put my hand in the way so he got me instead. It wasn't even a hard enuff nip to pinch me!:shock: He has been a doll and frankly so have the other bunns. It just doesn't seem that the little dufus gets the point that they aren't interested in fighting. They don't care if he is part of the group...they just want him to stop biting them! Duh!!:X
We have new male bunn arriving in late August so it would be amazing if we could figure out what this little goons problem is before then! We thought for a while there that he was really laid back! Nope just a thug in disguise!:?
We have progressed in our bonding to the point where we have all 4 bunns on our bed together. Our sessions last anywhere from 1 hour to 2 depending on what kind of mood the bunns are in. Our bonded 3 are great with the new boy Dandelion. But Dandi (the one we are trying to bond) is being such a brat!:? He has only gotten in a nipping match once, with our dominant female, which resulted in some pulled fur(from her). He will hop up to the other bunns and softly nip at the sides of their chins where their whiskers are. If they don't do anything he will do it again harder this time. It has gotten to the point that the other bunns will jump a mile high and run and hide in the litter box! What exactly do you think he is trying to say? He doesn't hurt them...but they def have feelings about it.:?
He is an absolute fiend for mounting the girls. Especially the dominant bunn. Someone should warn him she will kick bunny butt if he keeps it up! The little bugger won't groom the other bunns either. They love to groom him and will...when he isn't nipping them! I understand some bunns take a little while to get with the grooming I am not worried about that. The bonded 3 have been really good with him...they don't nip or bite. They will let him cuddle up with them...but then he goes and pulls a dumb bunny trick like nipping and they all avoid him! I have been stopping the nipping and chasing when it starts (mostly because Dandi just had surgery 2 weeks ago) should I leave them alone and let them sort things out on their own? Or will the bonded 3 gang up on him? The scab on his face where the dissolvable stitches were just finally came off for all intents and purposes he is healed now. What do you think?:?
Even our male lop, Bummy who we were sure would handle the new bunn very poorly has been great. He tried to nip Dandi last night but I put my hand in the way so he got me instead. It wasn't even a hard enuff nip to pinch me!:shock: He has been a doll and frankly so have the other bunns. It just doesn't seem that the little dufus gets the point that they aren't interested in fighting. They don't care if he is part of the group...they just want him to stop biting them! Duh!!:X
We have new male bunn arriving in late August so it would be amazing if we could figure out what this little goons problem is before then! We thought for a while there that he was really laid back! Nope just a thug in disguise!:?