Dandelion Update...

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Retired Moderator
May 25, 2006
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Guelph, Ontario, Canada
We kept our vet pre-surg with our regular vet yesterday...he agrees with me that Dandelions ear should have been sutured. It should never have been left in the state it is. :( The OVC decided to let it necrose, but 5 days later it is showing no signs of necrotizing. It is still bruised and hanging in a flap. So our vet isrushing Dandelions neuter(this Monday) while he is still on pain meds and antibiotics. And they are going to try to repair the ear. He is going to trim the margins of the tear, and suture them back together. He said that if the OVC had done so in the first place the ear would be well on it's way to being healed by now. :( If the surgery doesn't work he will excise the flap at least so it doesn't tear off on it's own...it's really up to him once he has Dandelion on the table. I wish he had been available the day the fight happened! Poor boy. SinceFriday we have rabbitproofedhis room so he can't jump out! Daddy put a 5 foot gate in the doorway! HeandSolembum have been making goo-goo eyes at each other through the sliding doors. And Solembum was making binkies while he was watching him...so I am hoping that the bonding will still come off after the neuter. We have been letting the bunns out in alternating shifts so basically they are having a poop war in my livingroom! And there is no surface that hasn't been chinned! So all inall things are settling down...everyone keep your fingers crossed for Dandelion! I hope they can fix his little ear for him! :)
Luvabun- Dandelion seems to be fine. He is such a character...nothing really seems to phase him for long. He is still busting bunny butt to get to the other bunns!! You'd think he'd learn!! He was weighed at the OVC emerg on Friday and weighed 2.86 pounds and yesterday he was re-weighed by our vet and was 3.92 pounds...so his appetite hasn't been affected in the least!! ;) I thinka quarter pound weight gain a day says he is doing OK!!! :D

Our vet may not be the most rabbit savvy vet in the province...but he is willing to learn and that is all I ask. He is at aleast open to new ideas and trys to keep up with the current literature! I can honestly say I would trust him with the lives of any of our kids! So I feel much better to have Dandelions care back in his hands!! I hope I never have another emergency again!!<knocking on wood!>

Aw poor bunny. I know the frustration of vets who don't have a clue about rabbits. I'm sorry it's happened to you as well. I hope everything works out for you. He's such a handsome bunny!
Poor guy, but it's definitely not your fault. There's no way you could have known he could jump that and that the results would be that bad.

I know how hard it is to find a good vet in the area, I tried, luckily the vet out here is also open 24 hours of emergency and owns rabbits herself so she has knowledge of them.