Dandelion leaves,

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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2005
Reaction score
Phillipsburg, New Jersey, USA
I went to my normal store to buy us food and Ialso needed some greens for Miffy. As I am looking at prices,I see a tag for dandelion leaves! Yay, I do not have to gooutside and look in the yard for them anymore. So now shegets one leaf of romaine, some cilantro and italian parsely and somedandelion leaves for her dinner. (along with a pinchful ofshredded carrots!) I know she loves them and I felt bad fornot finding them in the yard all the time. (we have weeds,just not dandelions in the yard)
Hi Hummer,

:shock: Goodness! Could Miffy be more spoiled??

So glad you found them - and what a beautiful plate Miffy gets each night.

What a lucky bunny to have you looking out for her.


Gotta love those dandelion greens!:) We have too many bunns to feed greens as a regular part ofthe diet, but I do give them to some of our picky eaters.

My store usually sells the dandelion greens, butright now, they don't have them, so here's me out in the yard,picking....my neighbors must think I'm insane. Although, I'mnot the only one. My mom came in the other day and told methere were tons of dandelions in the yard and that she was going to getsome to feed to the buns (she has developed this huge love for themsince I went away and she had to watch them). Then she satthere and hand fed them to the buns. LMBO

Hi Hummer, we feed our three Bunnies asmorgisboard daily. They love Kale, dill, dandelion leaves,carrot tops, curly & Italian parsley, collards. For a treatonce in a while we give "Royal Gala" apples (it's the only onesButtercuop likes), strawberries, bluebarries, cantelope, corn but veryseldom as it's very fattening & starchy for them.

In the summer I plant a garden just for them carrots, dill, parsley,basil. Buttercup loves Marigolds so I plant them in thecontainers with the parsley. They are on our deck so whenhe's outside with us he eats them. It's very cute to watch.

Bye for now

** " Gotta love those dandeliongreens! :) We have too many bunns to feed greens asa regular part of the diet, but I do give them to some of our pickyeaters."**

Pam :How do you manage to avoidthe foot stomping torgued offBunnies who get none lol , Myguys see someonegiving something specialand the whole garagesounds like the drum section of anOrchestra

I end up having to go out and pick even more for the bunnies who have seen the goodies and want some also ;)

gypsy wrote:
** " Gotta love those dandelion greens!? :)? We have too manybunns to feed greens as a regular part of the diet, but I do give themto some of our picky eaters."**

Pam :How? do? you? manage to avoid the? foot stomping? torgued off??Bunnies? who? get? none? lol , My guys? see someone?giving something?special and? the? whole? garage? sounds? like the? drum section of an?Orchestra

*Laughs* You crack me up, Gypsy. Isn't it the truth! Once one rabbitaround here gets a treat, the others freak out that I don't see themand I'm going as fast as I can to get to the next one. Drama King andQueens around here.

Buck Jones wrote:
Way to go Ladies! Don't think I have ever readanything negative about feeding dandelions.


If my memory serves me correctly, dandelions are a great anti-toxin.

I've can get them at the market, but my buns just pick around them.

It figures too.....because my backyard is FULL of dandelions right now.



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