Daddy Dumpy has insomnia!!!!

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RIP little Trixie
Dec 20, 2013
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Trix here: Daddy Dumpy woke me up at 2:30 this morning. Darn it, I am tired from that. He wanted to pick me up and I let him. Now he says he wants to go back to sleep, but he soon has to get mummers ready for worky jerky.

It is sometimes hard having a weird slave like Daddy Dumpy.
Mama stays up real late most nights! Sometimes we stay up until 4am even!! Then mama looks at the clock and says "OH MY GOSH, bedtime for bunnies!", and we have to go into the hutch and sleep for a bit. We like playing at night!

~ Felix
Dumpy was off playing hockey. Hockey is so weird. I like watching it and UFC (though Dumpy isn't into UFC), but Dumpy does weird things like taping sticks, and putting this weird smelling stuff on the sticks that Daddy says it keeps the snow off of the blade. He gets weird with his sticks and does it while we watch hockey. I'm rambling 'cos I'm tired...
Clover here- Momma used to stay uppp allllll night during what she cwalled "sommer". Now that "scool" is back she doeswnt want to sthay up wit me all nite! Sumtimes she wakez me up wen the sun is still uwp and sayz I needz sum exerswise! How rude! I was swleeping!
awso, momma haz sticks too but thay make picwers on some yummie stuffz caled "payper" she is so werid she won't let me or Chessnut chew on those sticks or yummie payper!! Slavez are so weird.
I've had my slave for nearly 11 years!!! Daddy Dumpy is so weird, but he's funny and plays kill the doo rag with me. I love Dumpy!!!!!

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