Cutting Harper's food back... how do I do this?

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
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Fordoche, Louisiana, USA
Okay, I'll admit it... I fill Harper's bowl full of pellets, and let him eat what he wants. I know! I know! It's just... he's my BABY! My absolute pride and joy. And I never wanted to feel like I am starving him, LOL. Even though he has constant access to hay 24 hours a day.

But, he is getting a little chunky. I also just read on Oxbow's website that rabbits tend to eat less hay if they are given free-fed pellets as an adult. Because of these reasons, and because I know I really should be rationing his pellets, how do I go about cutting him down?

He's 5 pounds, and I read that 1/4 cup of pellets per 5 pounds is about right. Gosh, that seems like so little!! My poor baby... I know he won't starve but... he's my baby! I just want to make sure he isn't hungry.

Anyways, do I cut him down gradually? If so, over how long? If not, how much do I cut him down to? Is 1/4 cup correct?

I did mine gradually!. Mine are only 5 1/2 months old but I was told to limit it. They used to get a full bowl of pellets 2x daily. I slowly cut it down so now it is 1/2 bowl 1x daily. At first they would munch it at full speed then I would feel guilty. Now however they tend to leav the pellets and they last 24hrs. They have started to eat more hay. I have also introduced veggies(which Im sure you already have) and they tend to eat their pellets less than usual(but still finish it all):colors:
I would cut back slowly, perhaps over a week or two. 1/4 cup would be the right amount. Thats what Devon and Amber get (they are both slightly under 5 pounds. Don't feel bad about him acting starved. First of all, he wont be starved. Rabbits (like many animals) are hard-wired to eat whenever they can. They're always trying to store up for a hard winter; they don't realize that they will always get enough food. Overfeeding is definitely worse, so you are making a wise decision.
Im doing the same thing right now with Basil and Max. Both weigh about 5 lbs, and I have been noticing they look a little pudgy :?.

I had been giving them unlimited pellets as well, and not enough veggies. I started earlier this week by cutting them back to about 1/2 cup a day. After this week, we''re moving to 1/3 cup...then 1/4 cup.

Ive noticed they go into their cage and when there's no pellets, they just go and munch on their hay.Also, Im giving them 2 cups each of fresh veggies every night. I wasnt giving them this much before. Ithink they like this diet much better. They both seem to be very happy with all the fresh lettuce, parsley, cilantro, etc.

Good Luck!

I agree to cut back slowly. I would start by cutting him back to 1/2 cup but if he was eating less than that on the free feed, then you can cut him back to 1/3 cup. And I would say after 5-7 days you can cut it back again.

I would just like to point out one thing. Just because 1/4 cup is the recommended amount, that does not mean that is how much he should be getting. You need to get im down to a good weight and then find how much is sufficient to maintain that weight, which may be more or less than the recommended amount. I asked my vet about it when I took Mocha and Zoey in, and she said there is no right amount, you just need to find how much is right for your bunny. She also told me that Mocha was chubby, and I was giving him the recommended amount of pellets. And Zoey, she is very slim and I wasgiving her more than the recommended amount already.Anyways, my point is that not all rabbits are alike so you'll have to find what works for him.

You are definitely smart to cut him back NOW before he has to be bonded to Haley, I'm in the predicament now where I'm trying to make Mocha loose weight and Zoey gain weight which is not very easy in the same hutch!
1/4 cup is a good amount, that's as much as my 5 lb dutch Loki gets right now. He used to get 1/2 cup a day (as did his 2 lb girlfriend Mocha) but they both started eating less hay and sometimes having pellets left by the next feeding. Mocha's probably a big part of that because it started when she got close to a year old. So I cut their pellets back so that they're usually eaten up within a few hours, along with their veggies.

You could start by feeding him only what he'll eat between his normal feeding times. Then start cutting back until you're at the amount you want to be or he's finishing up his food within a certain time period. Some say one our, I go for several hours because Mocha eats very daintily.
We actually give Holly 1/8 cup in the morning and then another 1/8th cup at night so she doesn't eat them all the morning. She's really good about letting us know when it's supper time.
Thanks guys! I will cut him back to 1/2 cup for one week, then down to 1/4 cup in the morning, 1/4 in the evening for one week. After that, I will cut him down to 1/8 cup in the morning, 1/8 cup in the evening. I like Daisy's idea of spreading it out, that way he won't eat them all in the morning.

I recently went through this with my two boys. It is hard, but it is much healthier for them. They are eating A LOT more hay now and that's what they need the most.

I give their daily ration all at once, in the mornings. They eat hay all afternoon and get veggies in the evening, so they always have something to munch on.

You're doing the right thing!

Toby got too heavy to "dispose" of his cecals, so they were all over his cage (and his butt). I knew it was time for a diet.

Laura, excess cecals can also be a sign of too much protein in a diet. I'm not sure what you feed as far as hay and pellets but Mocha had an issue that I've been trying to fix for the last 8 months with excess cecals-- I put him on a diet, I gave him more hay, I took away veggies, then I tried adding more veggies, and then my vet suggested I switch them all over to timothy pellets and low and behold, no more excess cecal problem. I kept finding squished cecals on the floor boards daily and I was not sure if he was not eating them or if he was just creating too many to consume them all.

Now back to the topic. I feed pellets in the morning despite the fact that I find they eat them faster at night but I found that I would get lazy and skip giving them veggies if I switched pellets to night and veggies to morning. I don't split the pellets up because I feed them veggies at night and during the afternoon and evening, they have whatever is left in their bowl and any hay they want.
MyBabyBunnies wrote:
Laura, excess cecals can also be a sign of too much protein in a diet.
Yes, I've been dealing with this for a couple of months. He's only ever had Timothy pellets, so that wasn't it.

I took him to the vet, fearing coccidia, but all they found was bacteria overgrowth. He was onAlbon fora couple ofweeks whichhelped some, but didn't "cure" him.

I tried taking all his veggies - not that.

I tried taking all his treats, oats, etc. I noticed he has gotten a lot better since I stopped giving him oats and other carbs. I also cut back on the pellets and he's eating a lot more hay, so I'm sure that's helping.

He still has excess cecals from time to time, but nothing like before.
Thanks for all the advice guys!

Jordi, Harper will be 2 years old in just a few days.

I may not split his pellets up, now that y'all have made a good point. I may just give him pellets in the morning, and his vegetables in the evening. Sounds good to me. :D
LOL, Laura, I think she's used to it, someone seems to hijack every thread eventually. ;)It seems to run in the name because I do it a lot as well. :?
MyBoyHarper, it's good that you posted this...I'm going to have to start whittling down the amount of pellets Maisie eats soon, too. In fact, I should start switching her to Timothy pellets now, that way I'm not working on switching AND lessening food at the same time. As it is, when I don't fill that bowl up RIGHT when it empties (while I'm gone longer than I thought, or some such), Maisie starts going into destructo-mode! Lol...I'm a bit worried about her future reaction to lessening her pellet food amount...but I'll just be sure to do it VERY gradually so maybe she won't notice...hehe!!
ROFL MBB, it's okay, luckily I'm a laid back person. ;) Just kidding, hijhack all you want. :cool:

Maher, Harper is the same way. If his bowl goes empty, he'll sit at the front of his cage, stare straight at me, and thump. He'll just STARE, and let out one hard thump. Stare some more, and thump again. He's spooky, I tell you. Afterwards, he'll just thrash and make noise untilI fill it up. So I'm going to have to figure out a way to make him be good too, LOL.
LOL!! Harper sounds JUST like Maisie in doing that!! I haven't quite figured out what I'm going to do when I have to start changing things on her! Maybe I'll put chopped up veggies in her bowl, or some such. I'm not sure...

Let me know what you wind up doing, and what works for your boy, ok? :)
Ok Im new to this forum, and I just got my new bunny Oreo three days ago and I need to know something. By the way this is my second bun. Ok when I feed him he eats every bit of the food all in one setting. and I dont want him to starve so I keep putting more in his bowl. should I do this?

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