Blue eyes wrote:
Thanks, I'll try that. (They were actually just over 1 yr old when I got them from a rescue. I've only had them for the 2 1/2 months. )
I think I'll have to wait a couple days since I know she's not happy with me right now
It's tough not knowing your bunny and trying to bond. With a little one, it's kind of easy. No baggage per say. You start with a fresh slate. But with the older ones, marks on that slate, some good, some unfortunately bad and you have no idea what those marks, good or bad, are.
But Willard, aka "Bunny Bear" showed me how to bond with a bunny with a marked slate. I gave him his space, did the same things as I did with the youngins, taught him my "bunny manners". But I watch for his clues how to approach doing that.
Example: He hated being picked up in his crate. I can come in from the top with his crate to pick him up. He used to run, with lots of thumps. And then try to hide. I would gentle herd him to his litter box. I could then pick him up. I got lots of grunts because he was mad. But eventually by doing this way every time, he finally understood. I got him to understand "bunny manners".
Bunny Bear has been with us for 8 months now. It took me a while, but he's a very well mannered, sweet, funny bunny. That slate is wiped clean.
I still have no clue of his past, but I do know, someone really missed the boat on this one.
Sorry long winded, truly hope this helps.
It takes time and patience, but you can