Well-Known Member
This morning my hubby went to get Benjamin up andput him outside in the run. The weather here today is lovelyand sunny so we thought the buns would enjoy basking in theirrun. Anyway as hubby carried Benjamin out to the run a loudnoise scared him and he shot out of hubby's arms unexpectedly andlanded just outside the run on a flagstone, he landed ok but wethoroughy checked him over just to be on the safe side. Itturned out that he had cut his rear foot - possibly by landing on asmall stone which had torn through the skin. There was bloodeverywhere but I managed to stop it. Strangely he wasn'tbothered at all - only bothered about my fussing and picking him uptrying to stem the blood flow. He's fine now and completelyback to normal. I put a little spray antiseptic on the cut toseal it. Was just wondering whether bunnies have the samefeeling in tehir skin as we do. Obviously the feet are mainlybones and judging by Benjamin's indifference to the cut I was wonderingif he had even felt it?:?