Crow in backyard

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2005
Reaction score
, British Columbia, Canada
I went outside yesterday to dump some rabbitmess in the pile I have, and a bunch of crows start screaming at me andstarted (I think they were) swooping at me so I walked away to see whatwas going on. I then saw a 'teenage' crow (not baby, but not yet fullygorwn) walking in the back. I didn't think anything of it, but when Iwent out there a few hours later it was still walking around and assoon as I was probably 20 feet away from it, it started walking away,not flying then the other crows starts cawing at me, so I left.

It's still out there tonight, walking around. I'm not sure if it can'tfly, or broke it's wings or something. He has plenty of food on theground, and I think a crow dropped him a vole.. (or the crow on theground could have killed it) but it wasn't there yesterday and is theretoday.

Will he be ok on the ground? I'm sort of worried for the poor guy :(
Is he holding one wing lower than the other?maybe even dragging it on the ground? you will usually see that ifthere'a a break. Otherwise, it may be a crack, which should heal fairlyquickly, a sprain, which should also heal quickly, or the little guymight not have mastered the art of taking off :)
Nope, he didn't seem to have any limping withhis wings. They stayed neat against his body like the other crows. I'venamed him Karl.. :D He's still out walking around this morning too.

My mom madea joke that his dream was to be a chicken... lol :D
In which case, most likely, Karl just needs toimprove a bit in the flight department. :) As long as he's eatinghimself and/or his parents are ffeding him, he should be fine.
I'm just going to go look and see if I can findhim to see how he is again. :D .I'm just not sure what I'd do if hedoesn't seem to be getting enough food or water. It was raining, so I'mpretty sure he's getting enough water. Hopefully he'll learn to fly!
If he's old enough to fly, or fly out of thenest at least, he probably feeds himself mostly, and what he doesn'teat, his parents feed him. Have you seen his parents around any?
There's almost always atleast one crow somewherein the trees near him everytime I've been out there. Sometimes therehas been 3 or four of them cawing! When I went out there, I couldn'tfind him, although I saw a crow near my patio, but it flew away so I'mnot sure if it was Karl or not.. It's raining so he might be hiding inthe bushes or something.

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