Critique - Santiago - Junior Steel Mini Lop Buck

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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Ontario, Ontario, Canada
I thought he was a senior :twitch: Anyways, I don't think I overposed him. His feet were where they should be. Let me know what you think !
Back foot is to far forward, but just a smit.

I have saw rabbits that just flat out refuse. Picaso will not pose, he goes limp. Most fight and lean and stretch but Picaso will not push forward like needed. He just... I do not know how to really explain it.

I dislike his shoulders and his bum cuts in. He looks long, too? Like, I want to see more depth but he is deep so I notice it is more a length problem than a depth problem. /beingpicky/
I don't raise mini-lops but here is what I notice.

His bum does cut in - but I think part of the reason we're seeing it is because his back feet are too far forward. This makes it more noticeable than it would be otherwise.

I don't know if I can explain this so it makes sense - but it almost seems like he peaks too early in his rise. Its almost like he's too long behind the point of the rise. I wish I could explain it better.

I can't tell enough about his crown because of your hand holding him - BUT - I do like what I can tell of his paws as far as the size of his bone.
The head is worth 20 points, and all we can see is your hand mashing it. If he's pushing forward against your hand, he will make his shoulders look low and hollow out his back.

His rear feet are pushed too far forward. He peaks early and slopes off the hindquarters.

However, posing him better will make him look a little better. Remove your hand from his head and take photos from the front, back, and top view as well as a better side view.

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