crazy puppy

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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
, New Jersey, USA
can someone explain this to me? when i take my 5year old puppy out for a walk, he loves to try to chase the wildbunnies in my backyard. but when I let Ivory out of his cage, Ivoryscares the heck outta my puppy. as soon as ivory is within a foot ofHarry, he walks to the other side of the room. *watches crazy ivory fora moment* then again...ivory scares me too...
haha gotta tell this story...just happened aminute ago...ivory came up to sniff harry, so harry walked away. justthen, ivory did a binky and landed on harry's head :shock:
Wild bunnies are usually a LOT smaller then ourbunny luvs. And they are fearful. Sounds like Ivoryisnt fearful of the puppy at all, so that is intimidating for the dog,and prolly very confusing =)

My roommates cat is TERRIFIED of Guin. Guin once pounced himfrom behind and China has never forgotten or forgiven. Nowwith the baby, Guin willl charge China if he so much as sticks his noseinto the room
Well I can't explain why that is dreamgal, but I have a similar experience.

When I was younger we had 2 cockatiels and my sister had a SiameseFighting Fish. I brought my cockatiel downstairs and put her on thetable where the fishes bowl was to see her reaction. Well, the birdfreaked out! She looked at it and ran to the end of the table and thenflew away. I couldn't believe it! A bird afraid of a fish!
LOL over yonder we have a cocker spaniel and acat that I was very nervous about bringing my two girls into "theirhome" but my nervousness was short lived for the dog is very polite tothem and allows them to sniff him and after only a few days he actslike they are not even around (even if they do like to binky over himin hurdling fashion)

Now the cat, different story! He is scared of Jezebel, she is a nononsense kinda gal and runs right up to him (this is after he haswaited all night to get up the courage to come into the livingroom) andas soon as she does this POOF, the cat is gone!

It's quite funny actually, cat afraid of a lil bunny :p

But you got me on the cockatiel afraid of fish...
lol, he landed on harry's head! hahahaha!!!

some dogs dont like rabbits and some do - its really wierd! Ihave 2 dogs, and one of them is obsessed with harvey, he follows himaround - they jun around and play together - and then when they are allworn out they snuggle up together, aww they look so cute!

But my other dog, gets realy worried when harvey hops over to him, herwill run away and try to hide behind me - just like the dog in thepiccy Elf mommy sent!
the funny thing is i dont think harry's actuallyafraid of him. I think its just that harry doesnt want ivory to beat upon him. cuz when ivory's "asleep", harry will explore


and when harry gets up enough courage, he'll actually get closer...


dont have a pic of this one...but as soon as ivory stood up, harry ran away.

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