Crappy Pittsburgh Weather Last Week

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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2004
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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Some of you may have heard we had severe thunderstorms, mudslides, funnel clouds and all kinds of exciting stuff in Pittsburgh this past Thursday. Unlike some of my neighbors, fortunately my basement did not get flooded out. Here are some photos of what it looked like outside my house a couple of hours after the rain finally stopped.






Wow - I can't believe it missed us here. My husband had called from Cleveland to warn me that bad storms were hitting there and headed our way. We just got the edge of the storm. Sorry to hear that you guys got hit so bad.

Yipes! I can't believe I missed hearing about it on the news. Of course, I haven't really watched the news in over a week.
I'm happy to hear you and your house is ok!
Thanks for sharing the pics.
Stay safe!

Sealy, I don't think it really made the national news so don't feel bad. Fortunately, nobody died in the storms, so I guess that's what kept it from going National.


Usually mudslides constitute at least a brief mention on National news though. It could have been mentioned though and at the time I didn't really now anyone personally that lived there and just dismissed it.
Ah well...I won't worry lol.
Y'all got what we usually get lots of here, minus the mudslides. Our Spring tornado season was mild this year. Makes me nervous as to how our Fall one will be :?

Pam~ The edge of the storm can be great when it's a severe damaging ine, but not so great when you are wanting rain huh?
I live right between two storm paths so we just don't get the rain we need.
Glad y'all are ok and safe too!


I remember that day Dan, we were supposed to get hit with that. I was working at Krogers at the top of the hill and saw this nasty clouds go by and did not hit us at all. I thought Ohhhh Pgh is gunna get it bad.

My customer who we cut grass for told DJ that the funnel cloud was spotted in West End just is just minutes from her home. That is scary.

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