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& Carole
Apr 4, 2012
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I notice a lot of you mention these as treats for your bunny. Craisins have as much added sugar as candy. Then lists warn not to give a natural carrot, due to too much sugar.:?
I don't give craisins. But all my adult bunnies love raisins though!

And regarding carrots, they are sweet but a little bit doesn't hurt. My Dobby and Kreacher loved the little carrots we grew in our garden. Just enough. Can't wait for Willard to try them this year. Unfortunately the babies (Neville and Luna) need to wait a bit till they are a bit older.

People told me they give their buns craisins so I bought them for my buns but after I got them I saw the added the sugar and quit feeding those to them.
Elliot wrote:
Craisins have as much added sugar as candy. Then lists warn not to give a natural carrot, due to too much sugar.:?
Some lists get a bit carried away. It's all in the quantity. Sugar isn't poisonous, just not good for the buns if you give them too much. Sugar overload causes problems by upsetting the balance of bacteria in their digestive systems, not to mention being fattening (oddly, the same is true for humans).

A small piece of carrot every day or two is fine. Craisins are high in sugar as a percentage - but they're also very small, and one or two as a treat isn't going to give the bunny very much sugar in absolute terms.

I should point out that "Craisin" is a trademark of Ocean Spray - what I get is the generic "dried cranberries" in the bulk food aisle, and sometimes there are reduced sugar or sugar-free varieties.
They also have sulfur dioxide{a preservative} as most dried fruit does,which I am certain is not good for bunnies. Unless you buy unsulfured dried fruit from someplace like a health food store.I won't eat it, so Elliot won't be getting any. :p
I had fresh cranberries from Thanksgiving. Used them to make homemade dried cranberries. They aren't pretty but Scamper loves them. Next time I think I'll just slice them and freeze them instead.