Covered Litterboxes?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2006
Reaction score
Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
I was just wondering, has anyone ever used a covered cat litterbox inside the cage with their bunny? I really like the way they cover the litter so the poops aren't so exposed (especially since it'll be in my bedroom), they have odor filters, and there's no way the bunny could go over the edge or kick litter out. Most have 7" high doors, would an eight pound bunny be able to enter pretty easily?
How do the odor filters work? Are theyexposed? I'd worry about the bunny chewing it and gettingsick.

Another thing that might be a problem is he might think it's a "hideyhole" and hang out in there all the time. He might evenchoose another spot in the cage to go potty.

I was thinking that about the hidey hole, too.The filters don't HAVE to be put in, but they are carbon filters thatslide into a plastic slot on the top of the litterbox. I don't think abunny would be inclined to chew them, and they're not toxic... but younever know whata curious little bunny will get itself into...

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