Cotton seems to be bleeding

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Feb 16, 2005
Reaction score
Daytona Beach, Florida, USA
Hi Everyone,

Do rabbits menstrate?

Steve found a red spot on the tile this morning, I found a dried upspot in the garage that was consistant with the dried blood look and Ijust got home and COTTON has pink on her rear feet and by her tail.


I would bring her to a vet, the only animalsthat menstruate I think are dogs (Mine does because she isn't spayed).I have learned from rat/mouse forums hamster forums and horse forumsthat bleeding at the rear is a bad sign and should be brought to thevet. Bleeding can be a sign of a tumor.
It couldalso possably be a bladder infectionor kidney infection , or therecould be even unfound hock sores, I would vet her /him and besure . Rabiits and bleeding isnt agood sign , rather to be safethan sorry .
Blood in the urine or "red urine" is notnecessarily a sign of an infection. I've heard that before also, but"red urine" is honestly not uncommon. In most cases it's completelynormal. When when it's actual blood w/o the "urine" part coming outshould you worry.


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