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They generally remain rather wild, but I have seen individuals harbor them as pets.

In most states however, it is illegal to keep cottontail rabbits in your possession without a permit (including in your state of New York).

Wild rabbits carry diseases that may be transmitted to humans, so care should be used in handling them. A cottontail rabbit can also inflict a very painful bite.

When very young or injured cottontail rabbits are found, it is recommended that you contact your local wildlife rehabbers.

pamnock wrote:
Wild rabbits carry diseases that may be transmitted to humans, so care should be used in handling them. A cottontail rabbit can also inflict a very painful bite.

Thanks Pam. By any chance, could you give me an example of a disease that can be transmitted from a wild rabbit to a human? I'm just curious. Thank you.
Tularemia, toxoplasmosis, round worm, fungal infections, mites, pasteurella (from bite wounds), viral diseases transmitted fecally and numerous other diseases can be transmitted to humans.


Also, it doesn't affect you but but myxomatosis is found in populations of wild rabbits on the West Coast. They have a bit of a natural resistance, but if spread to domestic rabbits it is still as devastating.
Cottontails are resistant to myxo, but the California brush rabbitdoes serve as a carrier of the disease which can spread to domestic rabbits through insect bites.

There is no health risk for humans exposed to themyxoma virus. (However, we can contract the very closely related "smallpox" virus).

I've been away from my rabbits for almost 3 weeks (just got home last night) and my uncle's family were laughing at me. They had a cottontail that is *somewhat* tame come and sit up by their window where they could watch it. They saw me looking at it and my uncle said, "If you can catch it ... you can have it". Well of course - I knew better - besides - HOW would I get it home?

But I had been sharing earlier just how lonesome I was for my rabbits and I'll tell you - that cottontail was starting to look pretty darn good to me! Too bad it wasn't a cuddler....then again - I'm not big on handling wild rabbits...


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