Mümmel wrote:
Why would you put a rabbit in a costume? :?I think they would totally hate it- sorry to say that. It's not very animal like I think.
I think it depends on the animal.

Like humans, they're individuals.
Pipp loves her harness and loves being the center of attention. She'd gladly play dress up and wouldhappily hop on a bus to get there (except she might think she was going to the V-E-T).
Both her and Dill will always run to where the people are, butDill flipped when I tried the harness on him, andhe never sits still long enough to try on a hat, so he's less likely to volunteer. I imagine he'd be happy enough at a show, but sans the tux.
Darry runs up to people, too, but retreats at the sight of a hand, so don't think she'd be a dressser-upper or a show bunny.
Radar isn't all that shy, but he kind of plods along and keeps his distance, and reallydoesn't like or understandharnesses or hats, so he's out.
Sherry is shy, but likes having someone she knows cooing over her, she'dwear a hat, and she'llkeepvery still. (I've never tried her with a harness). I imagine she'd be good for a pic, but not a show.
It's really a good idea to know what your bunny is up for beforehand.

, pipp:bunnyheart, dill :bunnydance:, sherry :brownbunny, radar :bunny24and darry :anotherbun