Costume Contest

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2004
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I was looking on the local rabbit club's website and I see that they're having a rabbit costume contest as part of their rabbit show! Has anyone else ever heard of this or participated in one?! I really want to take Mocha and Zoey, I think it would be absolutely hilarious.

If I can get there, I'm so tempted to make them outfits. :ponder:
I do it all the time at the local fairs. Just make sure that your rabbit is not afraid of noises and is very calm. It is a little weird for them to be in clothes. Dress them before you go so they can get used to it. It definitely is a lot of fun and hilarious. You'll have a blast!!!


P.S. Can't wait to see some pics.
Starlight Rabbitry wrote:
P.S. Can't wait to see some pics.
Hey ... I'm going to be there! :colors:

Not sure if I would take Pebbles.
I would be too busy taking pictures, and Pebbles wouldn't approve me looking at other bunnies. :pssd

Rainbows! :camera
Awwww, I wish we had something like that here!! I'd love to dress Harper up, though I'm not sure what he'd go as... a little devil with horns? :devilLOL!

I do have Harper a t-shirt (it's a little dog shirt) that he wears sometimes. It says "Velvet Paws". I bought it when he was a baby and it was too loose. Now he's full grown, and it's too tight!:rofl:
Mümmel wrote:
Why would you put a rabbit in a costume? :?I think they would totally hate it- sorry to say that. It's not very animal like I think.
I think it depends on the animal. :) Like humans, they're individuals.

Pipp loves her harness and loves being the center of attention. She'd gladly play dress up and wouldhappily hop on a bus to get there (except she might think she was going to the V-E-T).

Both her and Dill will always run to where the people are, butDill flipped when I tried the harness on him, andhe never sits still long enough to try on a hat, so he's less likely to volunteer. I imagine he'd be happy enough at a show, but sans the tux.

Darry runs up to people, too, but retreats at the sight of a hand, so don't think she'd be a dressser-upper or a show bunny.

Radar isn't all that shy, but he kind of plods along and keeps his distance, and reallydoesn't like or understandharnesses or hats, so he's out.

Sherry is shy, but likes having someone she knows cooing over her, she'dwear a hat, and she'llkeepvery still. (I've never tried her with a harness). I imagine she'd be good for a pic, but not a show.

It's really a good idea to know what your bunny is up for beforehand.

sas :), pipp:bunnyheart, dill :bunnydance:, sherry :brownbunny, radar :bunny24and darry :anotherbun
rabbit_whisperer wrote:
my bunny-boy is ok he does not mind put he'll shred it if it's pink. ha ha ha
:lol: Too funny! I've got a cat that goes after anything pink. Didn't think I'd see that in a bunny!(That's probably worth a new thread about bunnies and colours!)

sas :)and the gang :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
There should be! Pepsi HATES bright red. I wore a bright red shirt a few weeks ago and she ran away from me and started thumping at me.


Hmm.. my dads always saying how Pebbles looks like a horse.. and I have a toy saddle.. maybe I could make her a vest.. ;) No Spring..No.. stop the ideas.. Awww.. I want to have a costume party! :brat:

:grumpyPebbles wouldn't approve if I came near her with a cutesy little costume :(.
hey big idea!(what if on halloween every dress's up there pet and sends in a pic?):bunnydance:

that would be so cool:shock:,at least for some.:)
Spring wrote:
There should be! Pepsi HATES bright red. I wore a bright red shirt a few weeks ago and she ran away from me and started thumping at me.

Maybe she was a bull in her past life? :cool:

@ Rabbit Whisperer

I could dress up my Dwarf lop as a dwarf rabbit ;)Or style Moses hair.
Mümmel wrote:
Why would you put a rabbit in a costume? :?I think they would totally hate it- sorry to say that. It's not very animal like I think.
It really depends on the rabbit. I was hesitant at first, but Snuggy didn't mind a bit:


There's something that's really cute I'm making my rabbit an entire collection of different clothes.:colors:

it's so cute as soon and he gets bigger I'm gonna make him a biker outfit

I'm Making a fursuit and I'm gonna be a vampire for halloween and he's gonna be a vamp too.

it will be sooo cute.
Well Iwont be entering. :(My parents are going out of town and there's no way I would drive there on my own even if I had my license! I'm so disappointed, I wanted to see all the bunnies.:(

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