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Feb 3, 2007
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How much does it cost per month for you to keepa bunny?Keep in mind the poll is scaled for one bunny. And doesnot include initial set up costs; but does include bedding andsuch.Thanks
I voted 20-30 also. After you get their set-upand everything going, you only need to buy bedding and food, withoccasional toys.
I spend around $60 a month. Most of thisis spent on veggies and oxbow pellets which are a bit expensive here.
I put 10-20 per bun, mainly because I grow mostof my veggies in the yard and I dont you any shavings or beddingbecause during the night and while i'm at work they stay in dogexercise pens.I baissically only buy hay and pellets, along with theodd toy.But most of the toys are given to me from Emma's class(gr3).Ithink its probably closer to 10, maybe less.I buy my hay from the barnthat I board my horses at and work at.They have a huge hay feild andsell hay to boarders, friends and familly.I get it dirt cheap and itlasts forever.Hope this helps,
Samantha,Emma and Buns
I put about $20 to $30 a month.

I have 7 rabbits to care for (4 fosters), so I buy everything in bulkand it's much cheaper per rabbit than if I had just on single bun.

But from the days when I had just one bun, it was about $20 a month orso. About $10 for litter, about $5 for food and $5 for hayand then what ever toys or extra's bought that month.

One important note is that beyond the expense of monthly upkeep is vetcosts. It's not something that will come up every month, butthere is the cost of spay/neuter which can range from $100-$300depending on your area. A yearly check up which should beless than $100, and then any emergancy visits.


I put 40-50. Hay is my big expence and somethings like litter last a while but i buy a lot when it is on sale.that might be a bit much but i just started recording expencies thismonth and it was $44.
Okay, trying to figure this out... for 2 bunniesI need usually 2x2kg bags of excel pellets (£3.15/$6.30each- yesI know they are ridiculously overpriced!:shock:), so that's £3.15/$6.30 for pellets for onerabbit

Then a big bag of hay about £3/$6, lasts a month for 2, so split thatand it's another £1.50/$3 for hay for one rabbit

Veggies....Oh gosh...I don't buy these, that's mum (I buy most thingsbut she buys veggies) andshe says around £5/$10perweek for 2 rabbits, £10/month for one bun, £10/$20 a monthfor vegetables for one rabbit

We can get litter free because of where my dad works.

Then I guess I'd spend maybe £10 on toys most months, though that wouldvary £5/$10 a month for toys for one rabbit

Approx $39.30 per month for one, but I have 3 now so it's tripled:?
I voted $10-$20. I buy a big bag of pellets formy rabbit, hay , and minimal veggies, that is pretty much it. My MILand SIL are on "salad kicks" so there are plenty of leftover veggies. Ionly really buy her some Romaine and some Parsley. Her litter isrecycled, and I don't use bedding, it just ends up all over my floor. Igave her a fleece tray liner for her cage so she can flop intosomething soft. All of her toys are things I made, or papertowel rolls.She destroys anything she plays with, so I am not going to spend goodmoney on something that is going to be shredded and tossed out in a fewdays.

But when I first got her I spent over $100 on all the stuff for her, and she was $40!

wood pellets per month for litter: $6
veggies per month ($10 a week): $30
Oxbow food ordered offline: $15 roughly per month (even though I buy in bulk, that would be the price plus shipping).
hay: $0
toys: $10-$20 per month.
paper towels (for cleaning): $6 per month.

Total: $57 - $67 per month.

Plus all the crap I buy to decorate their bunny room just because it has a bunny on it:rollseyes.

EDIT TO ADD: whoops...I didn't read the "one bunny part", duh.My totals are for three bunnies, so it would be a bit less per month.

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
i spend about $40 per month on my rabbit

food $10
hay $10
litter $8
toys $6
washing cage towels $6

plus some other things for just one bunny but my costs differ from having an outside bunny then going to having an inside bunny

*will update after finding out real costs. amount are approximate

Generally my guys are pretty cheap, that isexcluding vet bills. Vet bills are usually the big thing with rabbits.

(This is for 2 rabbits, so just cut the cost in half)

  • A bag of litter a month- $5 (Only for litter boxes, and changed at least once a day).
  • Vegetables for the month (1-2 cups each of Romaine, celery, parsley,carrots, and a few ones I change around for treats and occasionalvegetables) - $20
  • Pellets for a month- Half a bag - $4
  • Hay (Man I wish I could go back to hay bales) -$25
  • Miscellaneous items (toys, blankets, treats etc.) -$10

Total - $64

So for one rabbit it would be around $32 approx.