What breed are you working with? Typically you'll want to stick with breeding colors of the same variety.. What I mean is breed shaded to shaded (smoke pearl, siamese sable, sable point, and tort... though tort genetically is a "self", it's considered "shaded"). One thing to remember is if you breed siamese sable to sable point, it may yield smutty sable points. Also breed wide band to wide band (cream, fawn, orange, frosty/ermine, etc.). As far as I can recall (it's really late and I'm tired), self is pretty much okay to breed to anything. Since genetically tort is a self, you can treat it as such when breeding to it. And just to let you know, if you ever get into rex coated breeds, it's a whole 'nother ball game. I agree with everything that OakRidgeRabbits said.