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Dwarf lover

Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2005
Reaction score
, , Canada
does any one use coroplast and where did theyget it ? im flustered and can NOT find it there any thing elsei can use for the bottom of a cage ??

plese help :(
yeah i had a VERY hard time finding any. Sowhile i was at lowes getting cable ties and a dowel rod i seen someplastic runners for 3.00 and picked up one and it fit my NIC condoperfectly and i used the left overs and cut out litter box liners.
i dont think there is any sign shopsclose to me but would they have it at a glass store or an art store?
You should be able to find coroplast at places that make signs.

Make sure you tell them that it's for the rabbit's cage.Oncethey find out what you need it for they will usually sell you what youneed and may even cut it into the pieces and sizes that you need. Ifthey think you might be making your own signs they might hesitate tosell it to you.

There's a good resource on the CavyCagespage. They have a "Find Materials" board, where people haveposted where they found all their supplies, in Canada and USA.

Check there, they probably have some helpfull info.:D

You can also use inside/outside carpets, or linoleum(sp?) if your bunny is litter trained.

You may find some ideas through this webpage, it's a list of some webpages all about NIC condos.

i thought linoleum was bad for rabbits and it doesnt really fold

good i was thinking about carpet but it wouldnt be good ifthey chewed iti dont think they can digestcarpet?
We use coreplast in Willow's condo as the floor and the steps/shelf, we love the way it cleans up with just a damp cloth

I used to get mine from outdoor ads (4'x4' or 4'x8') at gas stations orcorner stores. But that source has dried up a bit. Seeif the Canadian Tire gas bars in your area has any.

Another good source is election signs.......after your next city /provincial / federal election, snag some. Just wait untilafter the polls close:p

If possible go for signs with paint on only one sise and place that side down.

Willow'scurent floor says "Molson Export" and "Vaugn Minor Mayor"on the underside;)
ok i think i will look at some different stores

but ...... i have one more question i got these cubes with connectorsbut i was wondering if the cubes where safe if the bunny bites them thebrand is

Rubbermade Storage Cube Set
Dwarf lover wrote:
i have one more question i got these cubes with connectorsbut i was wondering if the cubes where safe if the bunny bites them thebrand is

Rubbermade Storage Cube Set
That's the brand we used. It's been 7 months and none of the paint has chipped and it is in great condition.

Make sure your bun has some good untreated wood (not the stuff used fordecks or fences) or even better some nice apple tree branches to chewon so the little bugger won't be tempted to chew on the wire.

This is a picture of Willow on the top floor of her place
Johncdn wrote:
Willow'scurent floor says "Molson Export" and"Vaugn Minor Mayor"on the underside;)
Mine are TimHortons.:p They are free for the askingwhen they change signs and discard the old ones.

Dwarf lover, if you are concerned about theconnectors, wait andseeif yourbunny will chew them.

Rainbows! :)
i couldnt find coroplast ibought a huge sheet of was relatively cheap too ... areally big sheet that fit freddys cage which is 3 squares long and twowide that only cost $13
Ooo plexiglass i love that stuff lol ... butwhen i get my rabbit he wont be litter trained so what if he/she peesthrought the cubes then it will go all over the floor becauseplexiglass doesnt have sides right?
Oh... how I wish I was still in Canada... how I miss Tim Horton's....beef stew in a bread bowl...yummy!

Dwarf lover wrote:
Ooo plexiglass i love that stuff lol ... but when i get myrabbit he wont be litter trained so what if he/she pees throught thecubes then it will go all over the floor because plexiglass doesnt havesides right?
freddy is good with his litter box so i just have atowel on top so he doesnt slide and if he does miss , it soaks onto thetowel and not onto my rug ..... if youre concerned about the peerolling off , you can cut pieces of plexiglass to make sides...theysell the glue for it at any hardware store....the only thing i advisewhen cutting it (i used a jig saw) make sure you dont let the cut partstouch cuz the plexiglass heats up and melts (doesnt drip or anything)and it will fuse back together

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