Corn of the cob safe for bunnies?

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
Reaction score
Fordoche, Louisiana, USA
Someone told me corn on the cob was safe for rabbits, so I picked up an ear for 20 cents at the fruit market. Of course, I never feed anything without reading about it first. However, I can't find corn on the cob listed anywhere on any of the vegetable lists.

Is it okay? And if so, should it be shucked first?
I wouldn't recommend it. The kernels are hard to digest and might actually cause a blockage. It's also a lot of carbs for a bunny and could upset their stomachs.
MyBoyHarper wrote:
I like corn, but only cream corn. Weird, I know. :shock:

Anyone remember the M*A*S*H episode when the padre grew the fresh corn, and then thecook creamed it instead of making corn on the cob?
aww don't waste it... my mom and i love buying corn just for the squirrles.. and even birds. we put it outside and in a day or so its all gone. My dad hates it because he doesnt like extra animals hanging around. haha too bad for him
I occasionally give my girls a piece of baby corn each and I've never had any problems with that... in fact, they love it. Will baby corn give them digestion problems, too?

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