Corkys Vet Visit

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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2005
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Corky's Cave, , USA
Well even with the lil stinker getting out ofhis "hat" and opening things up early he's doing well. DrMark thinks there's just one lil section of infection left to come outunder his lil arm and its working its way out of an opening on histummy. Hopefully that'll be done soon. I have to keepneosporin in the openings and still on the meds for another 2 weeks. Heput on 4 oz in the last week!!! w00h00!! The breeder I gotKeely from gave me a special mix he uses for cases like this...I toldDr Mark about it and he was like GREAT!!! We were happy to see theweight gain!!

Now for the even neater part! We are going out of town next week for acouple days and I have someone to come over andcheck on thebunnies but I don't feel like I can ask him to administer Corky' I asked Dr Mark if they board, and he said not generally. Itold him what was going on and that I was afraid for Corky to gowithout his meds for a couple we've come so far.He agreed and said bring him in....and he'll most likely just take himhome with him at nite! How cool is that?!?!? I'll feel SO much betterknowing he's well taken care of and if something were to happen he'd bein the best place possible!!! I'll miss everybun...but worry more abouthim due to whats gone on!

Anyway...Dr Mark says we're getting there and he's pleased withprogress! I want to thank everyone here again for all thethoughts and prayers you sent to Corky and I thru this...he's one verytough lil guy and your support has helped us BOTH thru a very rough fewweeks!
That's really great, PGG. Corky hasbeen in my prayers from the beginning of this and will continue untilhe's given a clean bill of health!


Sort of...after day 2 of him getting it off andalready doing what we didn't want him to...I gave up.....thru the last6 weeks of all this I've gotten on a pretty good level with the vet, hetrusts my I told him what I did, he said yeah, don'tblame ya...LOL
Yay, Corky is on the last part of his recovery - nearly there little man, you've done soooo well.

PGG, I bet you are so relieved you can see the end of all this traumain sight. That Dr Mark really is something else, isn't he. At least youknow Corky couldn't bein better hands :)_ Jan
wow! dr. mark hass certainly gone above andbeyond his call of duty!! dont ever lose that vet!! that is a truelygenuine man that loves his work! and WTG CORKY!! he just keeps makinghis mommy prouder and happier every day :)
:groupparty:Woo hoo!

I have to take Emmy to the vet too, this month! Since we got her, wehave no time to take her to the vet. My parents work schedule is kindof rocky. So, maybe this month we'll take her!
Dr. Mark is the most awesome Vet andMan. Not many vets would go so far as to take Corky home with him atnight. He Rocks!I am so glad Corky is almost there. I willcontinue to keep you, Corky and Dr. Mark in my thoughts andprayers.


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