Corky Update

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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2005
Reaction score
Corky's Cave, , USA
Things are healing well...but he says in 2 weekswe'll most likely have to do surgery...he doesn't think the sore isgonna peel off on its he'll go around the edges and thenstitch that together....otherwise it'll stay like it is and be realprone to infection. We will do the neuter at that time aswell...I asked if he thought Corky would be ok to go under at thattime, he said yes, if he needed to, he'd feel ok doing so now, butwants to give Mother Nature a couple more weeks to help us out on thehealing. He's on antibiotics for another 20 days to make surethat area doesn't get reinfected while waiting on surgery.

Corky is almost 100% back to his silly self....:runningrabbit:

And the best news....he gained 3 oz between Friday evening and today!w000h000!! We (doc and I) were REAL happy about that!!


:tears2: I'm so happy. :bunnydance:

Still keeping those prayers going. He's in great hands with you and TheDoctor. Between Corky's Will, your Love, Dr. Mark (isn't that hisname?), and our prayers, Corky can't go wrong.


Corky and I just can't seem to get abreak....this morning between the time I got up and the time I wasleaving for work part of the tissue (not the sore, but around it)decided to peel I called Dr Mark and ran him in....he'sgotta have surgery tomorrow....:(:(I'm soscared...I know he's strong enough and was ok when I thoughtit'd be a couple more weeks...but now I'm not ready....

I'm sorry, dear. I hope he makes it through okay. He's been such a goodlittle fighter, I'm sure he'll pull through. I'll be thinking about thetwo of you!
Doc isn't worried about putting him under, andif he wasI know he'd ttell me....but I am.. :( :(I'm just not ready...the one good thing tho is, he'll do the neuter atthe same time.

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