Cork and Palm Leaves . . .

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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2006
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
I went out shopping last night and picked up some sheets of cork board to make a bulletin board for above my desk and I over-estimated the amount of cork needed for the project (by quite a bit). Now I have all these unused cork sheets, and I was wondering if I could use them to line the bottom of Oswald's Cage, and to cover the wire of the NIC cubes on his shelf.

Here's the exact product:

Also, I picked up some place mats made of woven plam leaves at Ikea for ninety-nine cents. Will these be ok?

Amy and Oswald
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I'm honestly not sure, but I'm bumping this for others to answer. I'm sorry that this thread got missed!
My concern about corkboard would be it's digestability (a very resilient material) and the fact that it's held together with "binding agents" that may or may not be nontoxic.

Palm leaves are often used to make bird toys, so while I can't say for sure, I assume they'd be safe :dunno
I'm of the same opinion. Palm leaves should be fine - Ikea doesn't usually treat their stuff, but make sure it is untreated. I give Misty and Charlie palm leaf toys to play with all the time and it has not been a problem.

The cork - my first instinct was no, not good. And m.e. pretty much summed it up - they use stuff to hold it together. So probably not a good idea if it's not all natural.


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