Copper Controvery in Tacoma - Has Politics Killed This Rabbit?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2005
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Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Sorry I didn't get a chance to post this here, my computer decided to shut down after I responded to the news stories.

Here's the original story from KOMO News ...

Copper The Rabbit Awaits Sunday Execution

Copper the Rabbit sits in a cage at the Tacoma-Pierce County Humane Society Animal Shelter, awaiting a date with death on Sunday. He is accused of biting a volunteer and being in poor health.

There are conflicting stories about Copper and the facts surrounding his probable demise.

On one side sits Kathleen Olson, the executive director of the society, who says the rabbit is ill and not acceptable as a pet.

On the other side are thousands of rabbit lovers around the world who have inundated Olson with calls and e-mails seeking clemency for Copper.

Somewhere in between, along with Copper, sits the truth.

Olson says that three dozen rabbits are at the shelter and in foster homes awaiting adoption. All are healthy and warm and fuzzy. But Copper is problematic.

“He was examined by a veterinarian and he says Copper is ill,” said Olson. “He said Copper is drooling, ocular, nasal with a corneal ulcer and is untreatable because he is a bite risk.”

But rabbit rescue groups say that is a lie among ever-changing versions of the story.

According to Sandi Ackerman of Rabbit Meadows, a Redmond-based rescue organization, her group would like to have Copper evaluated by a veterinarian that specializes in rabbits. Olson says that the three vets at the shelter are fully qualified to treat Copper and that an outside veterenarian that is a rabbit specialist is also available.

Ackerman claims that Copper was well enough to frolic outside on Wednesday evening before he bit a volunteer and that suddenly he was deemed too ill for adoption and a candidate for euthanasia.

She says her groups would like to take Copper, but Olson says no. He says Copper is too ill and no veterenarian would ever let him go.

Ackerman says that Olson has a hidden agenda, one that would cut the rescue groups out of the rabbit adoption loop. She thinks that is why Olson refuses to turn Copper over to her group.

“They have a good rabbit program in Tacoma,” Ackerman said. “But Kathleen Olson doesn’t want anyone else involved. She has fabricated this illness story as a part of that.”

Olson says biting should not mean an animal death sentence.

“If that was the case we wouldn’t have any animals,” she said. “Bites are a part of being a shelter. Animals that are stressed will scratch and nip.”

Olson says the decision is final and that come Sunday, Copper will end his quarantine and nibble his last earthly carrot.

Ackerman is frantically seeking an attorney who can get into a courtroom and seek an injunction to stop the euthanasia that will be carried out by a veterinarian.

Olson says that Copper aside, there are 36 spayed and neutered rabbits that can be adopted for $60 each.

“They are companion animals and make good pets,” she said. “We are in the business of finding them good homes, not killing them.”

And a follow-up with one of my comments...élèbre#comments

And the same story with other comments...

I'm still trying to confirm that this poor little bunny was PTS. :(

I'll post contact info for the Humane Society and other resources shortly.

sas :tears2:
YAY! We have one more day ...

Copper lives another day

Submitted by Ray Marcham on Sunday, November 22nd, 03:53pm
The controversy surrounding Copper the rabbit will live another day.

Tacoma Humane Society director Kathleen Olson told KOMO's Lindsay Cohen that Sunday is technically the 10th day of Copper's quarantine, and because it is Sunday, there is not a vet available to euthanize the rabbit.

Also, the society put out a statement on their web site explaining why Copper has to be euthanized and why the organization trying to save Copper is dead wrong on the situation.

So, the drama continues into Monday.
JadeIcing wrote:
Some have been told that he was already euthanized.

That's been the rumour since Saturday, they started saying he was already gone. But now they're saying the quarantine rule that says an animal who bit someone has to stay in quarantine for 10 days, the 10th day was Sunday and no vet was available.

So they either put him to sleep on Saturday and they're trying to cover it up because they broke the rule, or he's scheduled for Monday.

Very confusing. :(

Worth doing what we can in the mean time.

This reminds me of Oberon. :disgust:

Hopefully he's still ok, but honestly I wouldn't count on it. I just don't understand what's so wrong with letting a rescue take him. So he likely has dental issues and an eye infection, he's not the first. My local humane society has adopted out several rabbits with molar spurs or with their incisors removed due to malocclusion in the time I've been volunteering. They are not considered unadoptable, just special needs. This is not due to us volunteers protesting/ watching them, it's standard protocol. Mild biters are expected to happen in a stressful shelter environment and only the very, very worst merit any comment.

Would they put a dog down if it had dental and eye issues?
Same here. We've only had one with major biting issues since I started volunteering (2 years?) and the first thing they did was call me, either to foster for them or to get him into Soulmate Rabbit Rescue. Poor guy just couldn't stand being in a small cage but was much better in a large pen, and was adopted by his SRR foster mom. :)

I actually had a recent conversation with one of the workers about some new SRR intakes from a high-kill rescue. She couldn't understand it. They have to put down cats regularly due to crazy high numbers but if anyone even mentions euthing a rabbit everyone hides and avoids it. Apparently nobody can bring themselves to do it. In her words, rabbits are "too innocent." Extreme health problems are different, of course.
lifted from the Pet_Bunny list...

btw, some more contact phone numbers for shelter directors..

remember to keep your calls polite and respectful. This people are potential allies. If they get rude or belligerent, just say "Thank you for
your time." and hang up.

Yup, the website has now been changed to read:

"There has been a lot of recent media attention about a rabbit named Copper that was slated to be euthanized at the Humane Society due to aggression and medical issues. Several members of a rabbit rescue group were upset that Copper was not made available for adoption or rescue and began a campaign to protest the decision to euthanize him. They seemed to believe that Copper was being euthanized simply because he bit, and that the staff didn’t understand rabbit behavior."

One of the main complaints has been that the story keeps changing, and this certainly proves that one true.

I just lost any shred of respect I had for these people. They're trying to make it look like it's just a few members of one group when its very clear looking at the origins of the story that the complaints came from multiple groups as well as volunteers within their own organization.

There is much documented around the Net of instances of polite and genuine offers to help being met with unreasonable rudeness and inflexibility.

I really hate seeing this in any Humane Society. How does it work? Can anybody be called a Humane Society? Is there any national board or means of investigating and resolving local conflict or problems?

sas :?
Hey, jerks aside, I think the Internet has saved this bunny. :) Apparently they are 'negotiating'. A rescue person I trust VERY MUCH has asked that no one contact Kathleen Olson or the Board with negative comments, they are at the table and working towards "a positive solution!"

(Never underestimate the power and dedication of a bunny lovers). ;)

Wow, the list of things supposedly wrong with this rabbit seems to be growing with each update I read. They say on their website that Copper continued to be aggressive during his 10 day quarantine, but that is hardly enough time to make any real progress with a true biter.

Honestly, this kind of
probably wouldn't happen if Copper was a dog or cat because so many rescues would be on their face about it. I really don't think this Kathleen Olson realized how passionate Rabbit lovers are when it comes to their welfare.

I hope they can come to an agreement and Copper get's a better chance.

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