Cool RO member may have mites

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Nov 30, 2005
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I am sooooo cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been itching and scratching for weeks and today learned that one of our guinea pigs at theshelter has sarcoptic mange (mites/scabies) andneeds treatment with ivermectin . i am basically the only person that has been caring for him.I finished at the shelter and went to the walk-in clinic. I may have dermatitis from a medicine I am taking or.......I could have scabies. I have to go to the dermatologist this week. Question of the day..has anyone on RO had mites/scabies/mange???? If I do the whole house could have it. I'm a winner!!!:faint::faint::faint:
They don't give ivermectin to humans ..I don't know what they do but its treated topically rather than internally..I use a steriod creme until I see the dermatologist. I think that he will scrape my skin and look at it under a microscope.I'm very concerned about the situation at the shelter. They need to isolate the 2 pigs... only one pig has mange ..the other has lice which is not transmitted to humans.(excuse me while I:vomit:). They cannot afford a vet at the shelter but they do de-worm and use flea meds on the dogs and cats . We have 2 rabbits, 1 ferret and another guinea pig in that tiny room . I think that all those animals including me could get the mites. The vet said "close physical contact" but I'm not sure how close. I have picked both of them up when cleaning the litter which is dusty and blows all over the room.
I have never had scabies, but I HAVE had an allergic reaction to Minocyclin, which is for zits. It made my hands and feet and back ITCH ITCH ITCH like crazy. It began about 2 weeks after starting to take the medicine. They told me to stop taking it IMMEDIATELY and when I did, the itching stopped. Good luck!

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