Coocoo for Coco Puffs?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2004
Reaction score
Camelot, Connecticut, USA
Wow... today has been and interestingday. I got myself a bowl of cheerios, and sat down to watchthe news. Well my rabbits seem to hear any sort of bag orplastic being crinkled, and next thing I knew, I had a baby rabbit inmy bowl of cereal and milk! Gir jumped on my lap to beg forCheerios (like he usually does) but there was a bowl of cereal in mylap.

So after my laughter, I grabbed the box and proceeded to hand out someof those yummy o's to the two crazy bunnies. I had to getmyself a fresh bowl of cereal because I saw a coco puff floatin in themilk, and I am definitely not a fan!

Anyother bunnies go crazy for cheerios?
OMG! Lenci LOVES Honey Nut Cherrios. I haven't given them to her in awhile.
What? Elf? Crazy for Cheerios? Hmmmmm lemme think about it....


Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease, Mommy, please please please can I have a Cheerio???
Very Odd and a bit scary. :shock:


One of these days I am gunna get my hun to take apicture of Gir going gaga for Cheerios. He will literallycrawl ALL over you. Guin will nudge and wait patiently, oh ifonly Gir would take more cues from Guin!
Lenci likes just about any kind ofcereal. Cornflakes are another favorite of hers. Ilove hearing her crunch. It's too cute!
Well you might count your this morning... all I wanted was a bowl of cereal and a cup oftea. And instead I got a bowl of bunny with a 'chocolateysurprise!'

It is cute though... Gir will stand up on his hind legs if I tell him"Gir up!" He is just so fanatical about cheerios! all I haveto do is go to the spot the box is and he comes tearing over to me.
I guess so, but somebody elses grass is always greener.:)
Its very cute how your bunny got into your bowl of milk.

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