I have a young buck born in June. He is a blue-eyed white Netherland Dwarf. I've heard they may be prone to seizures, but I'm not really sure what is going on. When he was born, he was the only surviving kit of a litter of 6. I found him in the corner sitting. The next day I fostered him to another doe. He is currently in a cage with his 2 foster sisters. (Same father, and yes, they will be separated soon) About 2 weeks ago he started running around the cage as fast as he could, like he was absolutely terrified or something. Then he rammed his face into the cage, flopped on his side, and began convulsing. I thought he broke his neck. I picked him up and held him. He opened his eyes, then kind shook it off. A week later, the same thing happened. Today I had him out of the cage and was trying to get him to pose on a wooden box I had on the floor. After a few attempts and started freaking out and I lost my grip on him. He ran off the box, out the door, under the chicken coop, out the other side into the blueberries. I figured I had lost him, but when I ran out, I found him lying on his side in the blueberries. I ran to him, as I figured I only had a few seconds before he came to. He lay there convulsing, eyes closed. I picked him up and he started to come around. Same as before, a little unsteady at first, and now like nothing has happened. I'm not sure how many times this has happened that I am not even aware of. (I am a breeder, and I planned on keeping him for my herd) What is wrong with him? Is it brain damage from the birth? Seizures? Keep? Cull? Safe to breed? He is super sweet so I'd hate to terminally cull but, is it painful for him? I don't want to be cruel.