Converting my bedroom into a rabbit room

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Dec 28, 2005
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Heh, since I'm cleaning my room (lol) And getting rid of a LOT of stuffthat erm my buns have turned into their personal toys and uh "obstaclecourses" LOL I realise they're not going to be very happy to see that!

Soooo I'm going to buy a bunch of stuff and pretty much turn my room into a rabbit room with a bed :p
I need ideas though!
Any of you have rooms like that? With tunnels and whatever else that isnever ending fun for your buns? Pictures of the rooms (Or descriptionsof them?) please :D
My buns (And me) will appreciate it :D
I have a rough idea of how I'm going to set up their new room that thelittle sweethearts let me live in...:p........but need some clearerideas.

lol maybe I am mad, but seeing my buns having fun and happy is one ofthe best parts of my life; So space for my stuff really isnt an issue,lol, it's all happy in my closet/dresser/bins that the buns love tojump on :p

Thanks for any ideas! :D
I had this idea and we think we're gonna do itonce we buy a bigger house, then we will have a spare bedroom that canbelong to the buns 24/7.

When I was a kid a girl I knew had a rabbit and guinea pig room, thebest advice I can give is to get some big sheets of perspex plastic andfix them to every wall of the room (against the skirting board if youhave one) - perspex sheets are excellent as they are wipe clean (mucheasier than wiping down painted/ papered walls when somebunny decidesto spray) and they are so shiny that they are almostunchewable. It would also mean that you could hide anyelectircal wires behind the perspex to keep it away from the buns (e.g.your bedside lamp if you have one)

Also need to consider whether the bunnies will pull carpet or not - ifyou have a carpet in there already prepare for it to be destroyed.

Keep most of your personal things that mean something out of reach,place toys on the floor for running and chewing. You couldset up a network or cardboard boxes or tubes or make a climbing framefrom untreated pine.

Good luck
I have Iszy in a bedroom upstairs. All I did was cover the wires and put up baby gates. :)
This is somthing that I've done before...getabout4-5 Magic can hook them to each other ..if the room isbig enough you can string the pens around the entire room ,placing themin front of things that you don't want touched (computer). Myrabbits are most happy if they can run in a messy room and get theirnoses in all my stuff..they almost never get to do this, however theyare much happier doing that than with the play areas that I have set up.
LOL yeah my buns like the messy room also :p

But I can't stand my stuff being messy....Don't mind having a bunch ofrabbit clutter though :p Dont ask why...I dont even know lol

They've been free range in here awhile, i do have cords blocked off,but still they have access to the computer desk because Keiser justloves it, his favorite place to relax is on it lol. They haven'tbothered to chew it :)

Don't need to worry about rugs, as this room is all tile (They havelittle carpet mats around the place, and luckily dont eat em :D So amgoing to get a large area carpet mat for them

I found an *awesome* site with really cool rabbit stuff for anyone who wants to see it! there is alot of cool stuff! :D

Under rabbit products, then "Gimme Shelter!" there isa cottontail cottage- Anyone have one of those?

Am planning on getting a 3-pack of those, and sort of attatching them with plastic plumbers pipe ^.^

For the start of their new palace-room anyway :p

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