Well-Known Member
I think little Liam is trying to make an early appearance. I have been having contractions since yesterday. Im trying to stay off my feet because i don't want him coming just yet. Yesterday the contractions were 7-8 minutes apart. I called the doctor and he said until they get to under 5 minutes, my water breaks, or I start bleeding, there's not a whole lot that can be done because it isn't considered active labor. Today they are a little harder to time, but they are pretty frequent. I have an appointment thursday and he said if I'm still having contractions, then he is going to check me and hook me up to the monitors and see whats going on. Pray this little boy doesnt decide to come yet. I'll be 35 weeks thursday, so I would really like him to stay in at least 2 more weeks...but at the same time, if he comes now, it will give my fractured rib a weighing my pros and cons lol