continuing saga of Fenny

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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2004
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Bubville, , USA
Well, I figured out how to get oil on his nosewithout him getting away--cradle him like a little football, put a handunder his jawbone, and driiiiip. Unfortunately the last drip got IN hisnose by accident, so here's Fen running around his cage, furious:

CSSCCCH! csssh chsch pplllbt csssch ssss CSSCH! (head shaking, nose wiping)

boy oh boy was he mad!

Guess I don't blame him....

Anyway, he cheered up when I gave him a piece of bread:

gnaw gnaw CCSSSH! gnaw pplbt csssh gnaw

Sounded like a little rabid animal. :p

The past couple days have been rough, he's really up and down. The lastbout with allergies left his nose actually cracked. OUCH!!! Like whenyou have a cold and blow it too much. It doesn't help that he's soobsessive about scratching. So he really needs some oil, it's gotta bepainful. He actually is ok with the oil--I think it's a relief--until Iget it in his already plugged nostrils....CCSSH!

poor fellow....
Dearest Rose,

I feel your pain. They make it hard to do and to watch, don't they? Good Lord!!! :shock:

Stay focused and do what you have to do.

I think of the old saying as I'm approaching Tucker: This hurts me as much as it's gonna hurt you.

Good Luck and keep up the good work!

how's Tucker??? Sick bunnies are so hard.

It's funny but Fen seems to have comes to terms with his treatmentafter that one depressed day--he doesn't run anymore. He does get madwhen I get oil in his nose though, but he runs up for a treat after.

And yes--toast does earn forgiveness! ;)miracle food!

Toast, huh?

Will try it. Thanks!

Tucker hates me. I think the most depressing thing is that he won't come to me when I call him. That hurts.

I had to put his harness on him tonight because he runs like mad when he sees me pass him by.

Poor little guy. I sure hope he makes it, Rose. Thanks for asking.

As to Fenny, what a little stitch! Trouble Bubble making you feel guilty and horrible. Well, ya are! *laughs* Just kidding.

Let's just both keep the blue skies in front of us.

Hope your baby feels better soon and you can get back to loving instead of annoying the little one.

Actually, it's just dried bread (but can be toasted also). They all love it.

At least Tucker's still running. That's something anyway.

I don't have much hope for Fenny getting better--I just think it'll bea chronic thing. Sigh. Allergies usually are. He'll have ups and downs,and will hopefully get used to being treated. At least I've livedthrough enough of this that I don't get scared anymore when he startssneezing, wheezing, and sniffling. I know it will pass, and come back,and so on and on. I've come to welcome rainy days for his sake (it'sbeen dry). He seems otherwise healthy.

Extreme cold scares me, because his nose freezes over, but I bring him in then.


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