confused new mum...

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Active Member
Feb 19, 2005
Reaction score
, , Singapore
hi everyone...i'm vr new inthis ... my fren just got me a pair of rabbits last christmas 2004, wenamed them Hercules & Sinbad.she told me both aremale, but another fren takes a look at them & said both arefemales. so i was relieve....thinking that i would not face the problemof my lovely rabbits multiplying... BUT recently this few days, Inoticed Hercules is shedding a lot of its fur & sinbad seen tobe "biting" Hercules's furs & its getting pretty bad with thepacthes getting obvious.

Is it true that Hercules is now pregnant &giving birth? But how can it be possible if both of the same sexes toget the other pregnant? And how soon should I expect her delivery? Whatcan I do now? Should I separate them both in differrentcages?

pls help..... im worried abt them.

cheers, BaBy_rAbBiT:?
thanks Lanna, they dont seemto be fighting. but i hv not seen them mating either. when they arequiet together, they wud stretch out side by side. in fact they look soloving together that they brought me & my bf back together.however, I am already thinking of separating them for a while to keep aclose watch just in case. some frens told me that their rabbits shedfurs when its pregnant & turn to be vr firece & privateafter giving birth. is this true?

i'm terrible inexperience & hope to get some tips to care for them.

BaBy_rAbBiT wrote:
. some frens told me that their rabbitsshed furs when its pregnant & turn to be vr firece &private after giving birth. is this true?

It can also be a sign of false pregnancy, where they go through all thenest-building and defensiveness but don't actually have babies. Verycommon in young females. If they haven't been near males, it's probablya false alarm....but they might turn on each other andfightif they feel the other is threatening the "nest".

But yes, that behavior is also a sign of true pregnancy. Actually, theyaren't shedding (which is involuntary), but rather pulling out hairfrom chest and belly to line a nest.

Semi-annual molting is also something to consider. Most rabbits shedhuge amounts of fur certain times of the year when the seasons change.And yes, it can look quite patchy, but shouldn't be bald. That's anindication of another problem such as fighting or fur mites.


P.S. it's very difficult to tell if a rabbit is pregnant. Our breeders will tell you how hard it is to palpate a female!

TKS RABBITGIRL...I WUD STILLSEPARATE THEM FOR A FEW WEEKS TO MONITOR THEM.... but this forum isreally helpful where u care n share your experience. well at least ithelp me alot.

Good idea. Even if it is a false alarm, they arestill pretty touchy about "their" personal space when they are feelinghormonal. So a bit of time apart should be good.



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