My doe just had her first litter of 3 bunnies but she didnt pull out any of her belly fur My bro says she'll have more tomorrow but my experience with my breed (dont know exactly which kind) is that they have about 4 buns max.
Without knowing how to properly palpate, it's difficult to determine if a kit is being retained. Generally, a doe will sit in the box and strain when trying to pass a stuck kit. However, these efforts will generally cease after a day or two. A retained kit may mummfy or may begin to decay which can be fatal. In some cases, the stuck kit is sticking out and can be pulled out with firm, steady pressure (care must be taken not to pull the kit apart!) Oxytocin can also be given, but in cases when it isn't effective, the kit must be removed surgically. Over the years, we've had to deal with each of these scenerios.
It's not abnormal for a doe to continue to pull fur after kindling. Do you know anyone who can accurately palpate and determine if there even is a stuck kit? If not, without taking the doe to the vet, it's impossible to know if she's still retaining babies. At this point in gestation, I'm questioning the bunny "movement" - it's very tight quarters in the amniotic sac. Massaging the doe's belly is of no help in passing a retained kit.