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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2006
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Rochester, New York, USA
I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions...
There has been a local pet store, right down the street, for as long asI can remember. Cadbury once had her nails cut there and stayed therefor a week while I was on vacation (she will NEVER return- short story:I spoke to the owner who said she will be cleaned/fed daily and placedin the back out of harms way. When I pick her up, both of her litterboxes are packed high with a week's worth of poo and all of the food Ileft with them for her- enough to feed three rabbits! pellet, hay andfresh vegatables- supposedly 'used on her'. Cleaned her straight awayto find CRICKETS in her bedding! Worst of all, her cage was placed onthe floor in the puppy-room and the owner's bulldog puppy was sittingnext to her cage watching her. I almost threw a fit.)
ANYWAY. a-hem. Have stopped in there several times as it is next doorto several shops we frequently go to. My mother came home a few weeksago and told us of several puppies with green snot pouring out of theirnoses and the poor things were licking it up to stop it from runningdown them + watery/gunky eyes. I went in there last week to see acollie puppy but when I returned a few days ago, she had a scratchunderneath her eye with dried blood. I looked closely at the baby lopthey have (ohhhh she's soooo cute) to find her nose green and crustylooking. Worse part: When I originally looked at the collie dog, therewas a bunny cage and I watched the bunnies then thought... that's verystrange. One of the bunny's legs were sticking out at really poorangles- back feet at 90degree angles from his body. He could barely getinto his igloo.When I questioned the girl, she had the nerve to tellme, "Oh, no, that's just the way bunnies are." When I told her sheneeded to go look at him nd I knew what I was talking about, shechecked before saying, "He looks deformed. I should call the person weget them from." They had had him a least a few days and hadn't evennoticed. I told her I would adopt him if she was going to have him putdown but she said they wouldn't do that. The next time I went back, hewas gone.
These animals do not look healthy.

Is there anybody I can write to about this? It's very frustating and ismaking me quite angry (besides that, now every time I'm near, I feel asthough I need to check on the animals!). I'm sure the state of NJregulates the animals but ... I would like to contact somebody. I amnot willing to speak to the store's owner, a large older man, who wouldsurely blow me off.
Sorry that was long! I'm considering contacting as many NJ animalrights groups as possible just to cause some attention/commotion butany other suggestions are more then welcome!!!
I would stay away from contacting "animalrights" groups. Most of these groups are quite radical and would beagainst you even keeping you rabbit as a pet. I would contact yourlocal police and ask if they have a humane offficer that can check theplace out. Good luck.
I would guess that at the very least, state lawprobably says that any animals which are for sale have to be healthy.If not, they would require veterinary attention and quarantine untilthey are treated and their health is restored. If the puppies were sickand were up for sale in this store, it could well be that the owner isviolating at least one law.

I agree with missyscove; call the local animal control - especially ifyou see sick or injured animals, or animals that are overcrowded or inunhealthy living conditions - and tell them you are concerned about thestate and welfare of the animals in the store, and request that theysend someone out to investigate...I'm sure they will be more thanwilling to comply....

Hopefully this will change things at the store...
Call your local ASPCA. This is what they arethere for. They will investigate, take photos, and you can report themwithout giving your name (if you don't want to).

Good luck. Those animals need someone to help them, I am glad that they found you.

our animal control officers work out of theshelter..they would demand that the place had all the animals treatedby a vet and if they didn't comply they would seize the animals. Thiskind of story really makes me angry. I can't believe how much thoseanimals are suffering. Please call Animal control or ASPCA

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