Well-Known Member
I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions...
There has been a local pet store, right down the street, for as long asI can remember. Cadbury once had her nails cut there and stayed therefor a week while I was on vacation (she will NEVER return- short story:I spoke to the owner who said she will be cleaned/fed daily and placedin the back out of harms way. When I pick her up, both of her litterboxes are packed high with a week's worth of poo and all of the food Ileft with them for her- enough to feed three rabbits! pellet, hay andfresh vegatables- supposedly 'used on her'. Cleaned her straight awayto find CRICKETS in her bedding! Worst of all, her cage was placed onthe floor in the puppy-room and the owner's bulldog puppy was sittingnext to her cage watching her. I almost threw a fit.)
ANYWAY. a-hem. Have stopped in there several times as it is next doorto several shops we frequently go to. My mother came home a few weeksago and told us of several puppies with green snot pouring out of theirnoses and the poor things were licking it up to stop it from runningdown them + watery/gunky eyes. I went in there last week to see acollie puppy but when I returned a few days ago, she had a scratchunderneath her eye with dried blood. I looked closely at the baby lopthey have (ohhhh she's soooo cute) to find her nose green and crustylooking. Worse part: When I originally looked at the collie dog, therewas a bunny cage and I watched the bunnies then thought... that's verystrange. One of the bunny's legs were sticking out at really poorangles- back feet at 90degree angles from his body. He could barely getinto his igloo.When I questioned the girl, she had the nerve to tellme, "Oh, no, that's just the way bunnies are." When I told her sheneeded to go look at him nd I knew what I was talking about, shechecked before saying, "He looks deformed. I should call the person weget them from." They had had him a least a few days and hadn't evennoticed. I told her I would adopt him if she was going to have him putdown but she said they wouldn't do that. The next time I went back, hewas gone.
These animals do not look healthy.
Is there anybody I can write to about this? It's very frustating and ismaking me quite angry (besides that, now every time I'm near, I feel asthough I need to check on the animals!). I'm sure the state of NJregulates the animals but ... I would like to contact somebody. I amnot willing to speak to the store's owner, a large older man, who wouldsurely blow me off.
Sorry that was long! I'm considering contacting as many NJ animalrights groups as possible just to cause some attention/commotion butany other suggestions are more then welcome!!!
There has been a local pet store, right down the street, for as long asI can remember. Cadbury once had her nails cut there and stayed therefor a week while I was on vacation (she will NEVER return- short story:I spoke to the owner who said she will be cleaned/fed daily and placedin the back out of harms way. When I pick her up, both of her litterboxes are packed high with a week's worth of poo and all of the food Ileft with them for her- enough to feed three rabbits! pellet, hay andfresh vegatables- supposedly 'used on her'. Cleaned her straight awayto find CRICKETS in her bedding! Worst of all, her cage was placed onthe floor in the puppy-room and the owner's bulldog puppy was sittingnext to her cage watching her. I almost threw a fit.)
ANYWAY. a-hem. Have stopped in there several times as it is next doorto several shops we frequently go to. My mother came home a few weeksago and told us of several puppies with green snot pouring out of theirnoses and the poor things were licking it up to stop it from runningdown them + watery/gunky eyes. I went in there last week to see acollie puppy but when I returned a few days ago, she had a scratchunderneath her eye with dried blood. I looked closely at the baby lopthey have (ohhhh she's soooo cute) to find her nose green and crustylooking. Worse part: When I originally looked at the collie dog, therewas a bunny cage and I watched the bunnies then thought... that's verystrange. One of the bunny's legs were sticking out at really poorangles- back feet at 90degree angles from his body. He could barely getinto his igloo.When I questioned the girl, she had the nerve to tellme, "Oh, no, that's just the way bunnies are." When I told her sheneeded to go look at him nd I knew what I was talking about, shechecked before saying, "He looks deformed. I should call the person weget them from." They had had him a least a few days and hadn't evennoticed. I told her I would adopt him if she was going to have him putdown but she said they wouldn't do that. The next time I went back, hewas gone.
These animals do not look healthy.
Is there anybody I can write to about this? It's very frustating and ismaking me quite angry (besides that, now every time I'm near, I feel asthough I need to check on the animals!). I'm sure the state of NJregulates the animals but ... I would like to contact somebody. I amnot willing to speak to the store's owner, a large older man, who wouldsurely blow me off.
Sorry that was long! I'm considering contacting as many NJ animalrights groups as possible just to cause some attention/commotion butany other suggestions are more then welcome!!!