Hello, So I have a male and a femaleflemish giant. Some months ago the male begam to act like a maleand began trying to mount the female. We (girlfriend and I)expected this, and set up separate cages, hoping that when they weremature enough for neutering/spaying, we would do it and then they couldhang out together again. The male, pre-neutering,began to do increasingly dangerous things to get to the female(clearing barriers by jumping so high he could not control his landing,etc), so we were relieved when he was finally ready to go under theknife. He was neutered on Friday, and he is still 'going after'the female. He stomps his foot (which is suprisingly loud),andchases her. I do not believe she likes this, because she runsaway. I'm beginning to become concerned that we won'tbe able to re-bond them, or otherwise keep them together. We gottwo bunnies on the philosophy that we would rather not keep an animalalone for most of the day. We have an appointment to spay thefemale this coming Friday. The vet has told us that we can putthem together 14 days after the female is spayed. Have we made amistake in getting a male and female? Will the agressive behavioreventually go away?On an unrelated note...We also can'tfigure out what a good chew toy should be. We've given them:store toys, maple, poplar, and red oak. They want: cardboard, andpine baseboards. We finally gave up and threw them some pine 2x4chunks, figuring that was better than baseboards and cardboard.They nibble them occasionally. Any suggestions?Thanks.