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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
Ajax, Ontario, Canada
This is for all the intellegent computer people out there.

I was wondering if it's possible to scan a form and then save it so Ican actually type on the form. My lawyer mailed me a form tofill out, I thought it would be much easier if I can type in what heneeds to know.

I actually tried saving it but I must have done something wrong because I couldn't type on the form.



Hi Susan

Some scanners come equipped with software that reads and convertsdocuments so it scans as a picture, then converts it to a file you cantype in. It's not typical though. Check anysoftware that came with the scanner and you have on yourmachine. Maybe someone will know of something free you candownload if not. Otherwise - it will always just scan as apicture.

Your other option is to see if the lawyer has a soft copy that he cansend you through email. These days all forms are online, soI'm sure he must have a copy in Word or Excel that he can email to you?

AngelnSnuffy, that's the thing I don't know how to save it in Word. :foreheadsmack:

Do you know how to do that?

If you had it, you likely would have installedit already when you installed your scanner. You know when thescanner starts up - it would probably be in the same folder in yourSTART menu if you had any kind of smart software.

File drop down list to "save as" inWord. So open up Word, got to "File" at the top onthe left, down to "save as" call it whatever. Doesthat make sense?

Our copier here at work saves as a pdf cuz I did it when I was tryingto redo my mom's resume and I had to email to a friend who works for anattorney so she could convert it to Word for me. HeeHee.

There is a program you can download online that will convertdocuments. I'll have to find it. Let me know ifyou'll need it.:)

HoneyPot wrote:
If you had it, you likely would have installed it alreadywhen you installed your scanner. You know when the scannerstarts up - it would probably be in the same folder in your START menuif you had any kind of smart software.

Or, C:program Files, whatever the program is called should be in there.
Hmm...I did a quick search for youSusan and I could not find any free ones online. The softwareyou need is "OCR" software or Optical Character Recognition software.What kind of scanner do you have? I can look up if thatparticular scanner came with anything.

Edit: Angel... the saving as a Word file won't work unless there issome kind of conversion software. The different file typeswon't tranlate and it would likely just be a bunch of nonsensecharacters. :?


I know, I wasn't sure at what point she was at.

I also found one at fromc/,that one is a 30 day free trial. I'm still lookingthough.

There are quite a few at c/net, some are 30 day trials. A few may be free.

Here's a thought...

If the file is saved as an image (for example .jpg, .gif, .bmp) thenyou can set it in word as a Watermark, which is an image that appearsbehind the text. If you do that you may be able to set your paginationetc. so that the words you type fit in the boxes of the form.

OCR programs will be able to convert any text in the document into realwords in word, but in my experience, it won't look like the originalform, and won't have the boxes, lines etc. that the form actually has(of course, OCR programs may have come a long way since I last usedone!!)

Anyway, I know I have set images as watermarks before and was able to type over them...

A suggestion... If you have a program like AdobePhotoshop, you can scan the file as .pdf then open the file in AdobePhotoshop. Use the regular text tool in Photoshop and select the areayou want to type with.

If you don't have Adobe, you can try to download a free program called GIMP that's available on the internet.
Susan, the easiest thing is to call or emailyour lawyer and see if he has a copy in microsoft works or word. If so,see if he can email it to you. Then, you can open it that way and typeon it like any other document.

My dad is a lawyer so we do this a lot. He should hopefully have a form other than pdf.

Some forms (especially court forms) only come in pdf though, and its apain. I usually just print them out and then either hand print them ortype on them with a typewriter.

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