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Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2007
Reaction score
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Just a warning to everyone, sorry for not answering posts as much as before, but as if the long work hours weren't enough, the laptop has fried? Seems at least partially.

It crashes on me whenever it wants and I've lost so many posts I can't even stand bothering anymore. It's h*** to start it up again. It takes anywhere from 30 mins to an hour and a half just to get it to start up again. I really can't afford a computer right now so I have no idea what will happen.

If I do get one, I'm going Mac.

Hope to see y'all soon.
What type of laptop is it? Processor? Memory? Can you describe what happens when it crashes and what software your running? Do you get any error messages?

Technogeek - I'll help if I can. Laptops are much more difficult than desktops as far as repair but you may be able to fix it yourself if it's software or driver related.
Ack, speak of the devil.

I know that feeling well. My 'friend' Gerald-the-laptop is a turd too. I have found that if I want to reply to a post and he is being irratic, I can write it in word,save it, then copy and paste it, which means you won't lose it,if you know what I mean.

I hope that things are going ok for you, well, as much as they can be with long work hours and a turdy computer.

Take care of yourself.
It overheated. Everything is messed.

No point writing and saving. It crashes even then. The screen crashes as well. Dunno why it is behaving right now. But I am only on to back up stuff and then on Monday it will go for repairs.

It even crashed while running the memory diagnostics tool.
Backups are essential. I recently bought an 80 Gig External Hard Drive for just such a thing.

My Mac is nearly 8 years old, and runs ten or more hours everyday. Still kickin'.
It completely died on me before yesterday. It will take about a month before Iget it (well most likely a new one) back. Luckily, my father reminded me that I had my old computer at my parents' so now I am online again. Just slow.

Me no likey laptops. :grumpy:

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