Computer Art

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JAK Rabbitry

Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2006
Reaction score
Freedom/Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Did I tell anyone I'm an artist? WEll there you go. So I'm goign topost some artwork. I originally wanted to post some on Elfwood, butpeople steal stuff on there a lot it makes me nervous and theres amillion rule and guidelines and you actually have to test ot get in andther's a million restrictions on the images you upload and they have tobe of a certain quality. It kind of drove me bonkers. So since we havethis wonderful off-topic place, I thought I'd post some computer art Idid for a game my boyfriend's been programming for the last 6 years (noits still not done but its amazing). And you guys can tell me what youthink or the one or two images i'm going to post and I thuoght for funif you'd like to EMAIL me a picture of your bunny, I'll make some coolcomputer art for you, a nice desktop background. no charge, just forfun and to be super cool.

OK, so anyways..

Wow, that is so awesome,

Hey, I see you are from Baden not far from me. A friend of mine lives in Baden in one of them old apartment complex.
I have a friend in Economy as well too. I have quite a few friends I grew up with in Beaver County.

Maybe later on I will have you draw somethign for me.
I have bunny art, too.

My distant cousin used to have this hat..... and while cleaning outt hegarage he found this shabby nasty hat of his. It had a patch on it withthis little brown bunny on it. He said it was a shame to have to throwit out because he really liked the bunny.

So when he wasn't looking, his wife knicked the hat out of the garbageand tookt he patch off and asked me to do a commission piece an topaint the bunny, perhaps hopping down a path or something. This is whati ended up with. I really liked how it came out, I used pastels to makeit look embroidered. I painted the backround. I suck at flowers.

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