Questions about total free roam (in his room photo attached).
Barry has his own room. He's an E-Lop and he will be 3 months old on August 1. He is extremely intelligent for a bunny of his age. I spend a lot of time with him because I'm fortunate to work mostly from my home.
There is very little human furniture in his room, no bed, and it is relatively bun proof, although I'm sure there is something he can find to get into if he thinks about it hard enough. There are no electrical cords in his reach, and so far he's not chewed any base boards. Today I'm adding a kitty perch to the window ledge.
During the day, he is completely free to roam his room. He is 99.9% litter box trained. I've only found two or three right outside the box where obviously they've stuck to his fur while hopping out and he never pees anywhere but in the box.
At night I've been locking him in his condo an ohhhh how he hates that. He rattles the bars when I lock him in. When I go in to collect him for the evening, usually about 9:30 p.m., he's normally flopped out in the closet asleep. My worries are that he may get spooked in the night and hurt himself. However since putting his larger litterbox out for him in the room, he refuses to use the box in his condo. I put his food and water dishes in with him at night, he eats, but he will NOT use that litterbox anymore and in fact he holds it until I come in the next morning and let him out. Then he runs beeline to his bigger box and sits on it for what seems like forever. I'm worried that holding himself for however long is unhealthy.
Should I let him stay out? He has absolutely no use for that condo, wants nothing to do with it. He's pretty rotten. I'm sure there's always more bunny proofing that I can find to do, so any suggestions are welcome if consenses says free Barry.
Barry has his own room. He's an E-Lop and he will be 3 months old on August 1. He is extremely intelligent for a bunny of his age. I spend a lot of time with him because I'm fortunate to work mostly from my home.
There is very little human furniture in his room, no bed, and it is relatively bun proof, although I'm sure there is something he can find to get into if he thinks about it hard enough. There are no electrical cords in his reach, and so far he's not chewed any base boards. Today I'm adding a kitty perch to the window ledge.
During the day, he is completely free to roam his room. He is 99.9% litter box trained. I've only found two or three right outside the box where obviously they've stuck to his fur while hopping out and he never pees anywhere but in the box.
At night I've been locking him in his condo an ohhhh how he hates that. He rattles the bars when I lock him in. When I go in to collect him for the evening, usually about 9:30 p.m., he's normally flopped out in the closet asleep. My worries are that he may get spooked in the night and hurt himself. However since putting his larger litterbox out for him in the room, he refuses to use the box in his condo. I put his food and water dishes in with him at night, he eats, but he will NOT use that litterbox anymore and in fact he holds it until I come in the next morning and let him out. Then he runs beeline to his bigger box and sits on it for what seems like forever. I'm worried that holding himself for however long is unhealthy.
Should I let him stay out? He has absolutely no use for that condo, wants nothing to do with it. He's pretty rotten. I'm sure there's always more bunny proofing that I can find to do, so any suggestions are welcome if consenses says free Barry.