Complete Naughtiness!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2005
Reaction score
Corky's Cave, , USA
Well, Corky has always had this aversion tothings that don't belong on me...for example...when my knee brace is onhe'll dig at it....due to this, he's never out with me while I'mgetting my infusion......guess maybe that wasn't precaution enough!

Tonite he decided to take a go at my PIC line...:shock: Lastnite he was pawing at it cuz he could see the lump from it under mysleeve...well tonite I didn't realize my sleeve had slipped back andthe extenstion tubing was sticking out from the net thing that keeps itin place....well, he grabbed that sucker and one chomp and the tube hada nice hole in it.....:shock: Thankfully we had an extra hereand were able to get it changed ourselves.....but now I get to calltomorrow to get more and bunny didn't likeit......:D That outta be interesting...guessing they don'thear that excuse often!!!!

What a stinker!!!!!!:shock2:Just glad he didn't get ahold of the main line itself...that coulda got messy!!!
Naughty bunny indeed. I am in shock, are you sure it was Corky? Sounds like he was framed to me.:p

I'm glad he didn't do anything to seriously jeapordize your lines.

Apollo has been a complete love and angel all week. He knowshis mom is upset and won't leave my side. He jumps in my lap and putshis head under my chin when I cry. Maybe Apollo needs to talk to Corkyfor you.

Ahh poor little Corky.. he probably thought hewas gonna be next with the treatment! He was showing his loveby killing the thing that was sticking in you.
I tried to explain to him it was to make mebetter like we had to do for him....guess he doesn't care!:foreheadsmack:To him, it just doesn't belong there!

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