Company wide meeting

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Retired Moderator
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
The Bunny Zone, Elkhart , Indiana, USA
The company CEO has called a company wide meeting for this Thursday February at 11:35am, right after lunch. This guy never calls a company wide meeting unless it is bad news. The last meeting resulted in a bunch of layoffs.

Rumors are going from the company closing its doors, to hours being reduced even more, company being sold, 25% pay cut...the only thing they have said for sure is it will be short.

Please pray that it will not be anythingreally bad like me losing my job or taking a pay cut.


OH MY GOD! Dave....... check your pm. I've been thinking of you all day since Obama was up there!

You, wabbitmom and your family (and buns) are in my thoughts and prayers.
You guys will manage, no matter what comes your way. It will all turn out :hug:.

BTW, I was so excited when I heard the name "Elkhart Indiana" on the radio! I immediately thought of you guys:)

Oooooh, been there. Sucks. My plant is closing (announced last July), but at least I get to keep my laboratoryjobprovided I'm willing to drive an hour to get there. The factory workers are SOL.More recentlywe've had company-wide early retirement plans, "green" plans to "save the environment" which really mean we can't afford to keep our lights on anymore...

Best of luck. I really hope this turns around soon.:(

The meeting was short, but it wasn't bad. The company was sold, no layoffs, no cut in pay or hours.

I will post more later, I had two teeth removed this morning and I am in a lot of pain, the reason this post is short.

Wabbitdad12 wrote:

The meeting was short, but it wasn't bad. The company was sold, no layoffs, no cut in pay or hours.

I will post more later, I had two teeth removed this morning and I am in a lot of pain, the reason this post is short.

Dave, I can't tell you how relieved I am. Thank goodness and I surely hope business goes even better now!
Oh Dave, what a HUGE relief. I hope your mouth is feeling better soon.

I'm just really glad things are not as bad as you thought.

REALLY glad!

Dave - I was really worried it would be bad I'm glad this is all it is.

I hope you feel better soon!
SO glad to hear it wasn't worse news! Please feel better... tooth extractions are painful!

Our company has a manditory 7.5% pay cut effective Monday. Management had to take a 10% pay cut and work 1 week without pay in January.

Not optimum, but better than losing our jobs. (Do I get to work 7.5% less?)
BlueGiants wrote:
SO glad to hear it wasn't worse news! Please feel better... tooth extractions are painful!

Our company has a manditory 7.5% pay cut effective Monday. Management had to take a 10% pay cut and work 1 week without pay in January.

Not optimum, but better than losing our jobs. (Do I get to work 7.5% less?)
I would say that your lunch and breaks just got 7.5% longer :)

That is wonderful news, Dave! I am so thankful that you have your job!
Now, about those teeth... you might get some mild relief from chewing down hard on whole cloves... Hope you've got really good drugs!
Oh, my dentist gave me Vicodin! Yep, better living through chemistry!

The investment company that had bought the place where I work, bought it when things were going extremely good. They were told that there have been years when things were really bad, but ignored that information. A young hotshot VP in the investment group evidently knew everything. I guess I am getting old because I considered him a kid!

The investment group started to cut company picinic's, pizza party's, bonus's, pay, insurance etc. and well having cut everything but the air we breathed, they decided evidently to cut their losses and sold the company. So the the VP of Admin, Chief Operating Office, Design Manager and CEDare now the major stock holders.

So hopefully, when things get better, maybe we will get some of our benefits back. We were all reassured that the company is doing good and that the company is gaining business and more of the market for our type of product.

The CEO started out the meeting by saying, no one is getting laid off. He even said, usually we have a meeting like this is to announce lay offs. Then he went on about the company's status.

Why they had to let everyone wonder for a week about the meeting I have no idea, but I am glad I worried for nothing.

We had a meeting last week, we didn't take a pay cut but they did increase the numbers needed in order to make your monthly bonus. There are 4 lvls, 1st tier went from 750 to 1297!!!! I think the most I've ever got in 1 month was 985. So much for me getting my bonus anymore. So much for me getting a bigger apartment. But I am glad to have A job.
My jaw is still numb on the left side, but far better then it was three weeks ago! I prayed thatmy sore jaw from getting my teeth pulled would be the worst thing on Thursday and God answered my prayers!

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