Colorful Rabbit food

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Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2005
Reaction score
, New Hampshire, USA
I read that I shouldn't feed it, I just was to know if you use it or not. I feed regular pellets right now

The food with extra "colored" things in itisreally junk filler...lots of extra sugars and such thebunnies don't need! Mine crew gets just plain ole boring green pelletswith oats mixed in now and then.
From what I've been reading I would stay awayfrom it too. When I see it in the pet stores it always looks like "junkfood" with cartoon hampsters or rabbits on the bag.
Okay, thanks! I just wanted to make sure. I only feed it to my hamsters

How much of the pellets do you feed a day? I have a sifter feeder andit is always filled, he just picks what he wants. He also gets a saladevery day and a constant supply of hay. Is it alright to always havethe feeder filled?
I think its 1/4 cup per lb of body weight perday...but not 100% sure on that. If you check the Top Picksthread, you'll find all sorts of feeding info.
Limitingfeedisagoodand bad thing ,if he isnt over weight and lazy Iwouldnt much worry about how much heeats , UNLESS you notice heis emptying a full feeder a day . Allthe rabbits I have here are on a freefeed statis , they eat what they wantand when , everyone gets playout time the only Rabbit I havethat has substantial weight on heris Penelope , she nowweighs 11 1/2 pounds justright for a healthy happy New Zeland.Considering she weighed barely over 8pounds when I got her in .

In winter here I do put ahandfull of the Kaytee rabbit foodin their sifters , itdoes help them with keeping on bodyweight and helps them maintainheat better , ( keep in mind My rabbitsare in a garage not inside a house )

How much you feed your rabbitsis a basis to basis issue ,If rabbit is of normal weight with free feed , whychange the program and inviteproblems ,

If the Rabbit is over weight aslow reduction in the amount of feed AND!Treats is recomended , and anexcercise plan would probably help also .and a benifit might begained with more hayin the diet , But asRabbit grains get better andmore healthy for them ,( the higherthe fiber the better ) therereally shouldnt be much of a weight issue. JMO
Thank you, Gypsy. Smudge is in good weight (nofat bulges that I can see) and he is very active. I do not think I willbe changing the ammount he gets as He only eats a little out of hissifter at a time, and finishes it off in about 3 weeks.
Thanks Gypsy...that is good to know...mine areapproaching 6 months but don't eat an insane amount of pelletseither...just what they seem to I'll prolly just keep it theway it is now as well!

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