Limitingfeedisagoodand bad thing ,if he isnt over weight and lazy Iwouldnt much worry about how much heeats , UNLESS you notice heis emptying a full feeder a day . Allthe rabbits I have here are on a freefeed statis , they eat what they wantand when , everyone gets playout time the only Rabbit I havethat has substantial weight on heris Penelope , she nowweighs 11 1/2 pounds justright for a healthy happy New Zeland.Considering she weighed barely over 8pounds when I got her in .
In winter here I do put ahandfull of the Kaytee rabbit foodin their sifters , itdoes help them with keeping on bodyweight and helps them maintainheat better , ( keep in mind My rabbitsare in a garage not inside a house )
How much you feed your rabbitsis a basis to basis issue ,If rabbit is of normal weight with free feed , whychange the program and inviteproblems ,
If the Rabbit is over weight aslow reduction in the amount of feed AND!Treats is recomended , and anexcercise plan would probably help also .and a benifit might begained with more hayin the diet , But asRabbit grains get better andmore healthy for them ,( the higherthe fiber the better ) therereally shouldnt be much of a weight issue. JMO