Looking for color help. we are new here, have 2 French angora kits, around 13 weeks old now, I trimmed some of their fur off in these pics I put in my folder. (not sure how you all can view it but I am hoping you know more than I do about how this website works. ray I thought they were both fawn but one is looking like it has black ticking on its face, and less eye rings on it, the other looks fawn ? and has the eye rings, I think you will be able to see those. Both eyes are brown (although one looks red from flash. )
Any and all help is greatly appreciated!!
:big wink:
Looking for color help. we are new here, have 2 French angora kits, around 13 weeks old now, I trimmed some of their fur off in these pics I put in my folder. (not sure how you all can view it but I am hoping you know more than I do about how this website works. ray I thought they were both fawn but one is looking like it has black ticking on its face, and less eye rings on it, the other looks fawn ? and has the eye rings, I think you will be able to see those. Both eyes are brown (although one looks red from flash. )
Any and all help is greatly appreciated!!
:big wink: