College Students: What classes are on your spring schedule?

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
Reaction score
Fordoche, Louisiana, USA
I was curious as to what classes the othercollege students here have scheduled for the spring semester? I'm stilltweeking my schedule, since some stuff I'm not sure if I want, andothers are full. So far I have:


English (Shakespeare studies)



Renewable Natural Resources (a tree-hugging, save the forest, conservation course. It's a requirement for my pre-vet major)

However, I am still trying to get into a Psychology class, which thetime that I need is full. I'm also trying to get into a boringEconomics class, which is required for my vet major (no idea why),however the time slots are full too. My schedule is horrible for springthough... lots of boring and hard courses, nothing fun!

So, what's everyone else taking?
I'm on quarters so we are currently on our monthlong break between Fall and Winter quarter. However, I'm taking thewinter quarter off due to the way courses fall as I have to be fulltime in the Spring quarter. Plus the winter quarter means nasty weatherand lots of sick people still attending classes. I've got a3year old cousin getting ready to go in for his thirdopenheart surgery so I need to stay healthy to see him. However, since Itake the winter quarter off, I do take classes in the summer.:D

Good luck to all working on their spring semesterschedules! Iwon't be looking at a schedule till February at the earliest. :)
I have Geo and 3 English classes. Im dreadingthis semester bc all three English classes are heavy writing courses.Its a lot on my plate for this next semester, but Im anxious to finishup! (Because I already have my bachellors and am just getting myteaching certification, I pretty much only need all English andEducation courses)

Well, right now I'm registered in Math101, Math 102, Chem 105, Eng Phys 131, Engg 101, Eng Comp (computerengineering). That will stay true as long as I manage to do very wellon my finals. The good thing, Wedsnesday, Thursday, and Friday I getoff no later than 1 pm! It still doesn't mean alot, when people told meengineering was comparable to med school in the amount of work, Ididn't believe them but boy was I wrong! I have no time to even gospend a few minutes with the bunnies right now (lesson learned, startstudying from day 1!).
Being as this is my last semester, I only havethree classes I HAVE to take. I signed up for some extra art classes soI can have some fun and be a full time student.

Honors Philosphy

3-D Design

Painting I


Art, Music, and Dramatic History (Each is a one hour course)

So I'm really happy with my schedule next semester. Gonna be a breeze.

t and loki

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