Cold Vegetables

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Snuggys Mom

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2005
Reaction score
Memphis, Tennessee, USA
I read somewhere that cold vegetables can upsetbunnies' tummies. I've always left mine out for about a halfhour to warm up before I give them to my buns.

Does anyone else do this?


I never heard of that but would be intrested in what others have to say.

I know my Fergy does't like veggies if they'retoo terribly cold...of course he'll still eat the veggie if he hasn'tmunched on anything in a while.
bi1526 wrote:
I've always left mine out for about a half hour to warm upbefore I give them to my buns.
My wife leaves it out for about a half hour too.But Pebbles doesn't seem to mind. In the hotsummer, it might be a treat for them. Istill get bunny kisses from tongue or cold tongue.:p lol

Rainbows! :)

I think I've heard that too, but I think I'vealso heard no cold water. All my buns get cold tap water andveggies right from the fridge. They only warm up as long asit takes me to make bunny and lizard salad and carry them to thecages. The bunnies eat them immediately, so they can't havegotten very warm.

My rabbit will eat anything. Cold, hot,room temp, 2 days old...really! :D Cold veggies never upsethim though.
When I was giving mine veggies from the fridge,my little Holland Lop had a lot of soft poopies and it stopped when Istarted serving the salad at room temperature. It might havebeen a coincidence. She was young at the time, but now I'mscared to go back to the cold stuff.

