cleaning your rabbits cage i no carolyn got one but have any of yous got a steam cleaner

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2005
Reaction score
NEWCASTLE, , United Kingdom
hi all

just im thinking of buying a steam cleaner for the house as well as lucys cage

can i ask anyone of yous with one

do you recomend them and what make have yous got

varna xxxx
I my self was dicussing thatwith my husband last week , Imthinking using the cleaner thatshould be ised with it is a bad idea , notkowing what its made of , I think Im justplanning to use hot water andsome mild dish soap witha finaly hot water rinse, Theydo an awsome job on theunderneath of cars whynot sterilize a bunny cage .
Hi, I am new here and am not sure howto post and reply.So decided to just jump in andsee what happens.

I have a few questions about my 2 rabbits, and am looking for someanswers. I got them from my neighbors last winter. They werekeeping them out in the shed. I got them and kept them in myhouse up until a couple of weeks ago. I have now built a penfor them outside so they can run around all the time. I lockthem up at night.

One of my questions is that they are digging a hole in the ground and am wondering if that is ok for them to do.

Just to let you know that I believe they were kept caged at alltimes beforeI got them so they were not toofriendly. I tired all winter to get them to warm up to me butwith littleluck. I don't want to get rid of thembecause they are so sweet. Besides that I want to make surethat they are taken care of and I don't know who will dothat. I do want to make them a happy place to be. That is whyI built a pen for them to run in. I goand see them all the time to make sure they are ok. I evengot up in the middle of the night last night to go check onthem.I worry so much, and want only the best forthem.
We have and use a steam cleaner that is the sameas the one Carolyn uses. I can't tell you what thatis because I am not at home, but on vacation at thistime. The steam cleaner is used on cages and our outdoorhutches to our satisfaction. Obvously, it can be used for ahost of other domestic chores.

Becky wrote:
Hi, I am new here and am not sure how to post andreply.So decided to just jump in and see whathappens.

...One of my questions is that they are digging a hole in the ground and am wondering if that is ok for them to do.

Just to let you know that I believe they were kept caged at alltimes beforeI got them so they were not toofriendly. I tired all winter to get them to warm up to me butwith littleluck....I worry so much, andwant only the best for them.

Posting your own new message would have garnered you more responses toyour particular questions as readers are responding to the originalquestion and not yours when they read this thread. If myreply is insufficient, you might try making a new topic inyour own right so as to increase general interest andresponse.

Digging holes is a natural rabbit activity for our species of domesticrabbits. Cottontail rabbits, for example, do not doso. The only downsides are the propensity for the buns to getdirty and/or possibly contracting mites, worms, or othercritters. If no, or few other animals have accessto the pen, that likelihood is small.

Rabbits that are bonded to one another have a tendency to not be asinterested in human contact as a rabbit whose only other socializationoccurs with humans. Rabbit living together will result inpregancies in they are of the opposite sex. If they are does,spaying is recommended to reduce the high statisticalprobability of uterine cancer among unbred does.

If they are bucks, it is unusual for them to remain togetherwithout fighting after puberty and castration is recommended to reducesexually induced behaviors like aggressiveness, circling, mounting, andspraying urine, quite accurately, I might add. LOL

Our first rabbit was a loner and had spent some time on his ownsurviving in a vacant lot in the middle of Philadelphia. Hehad never been a house bunny, nor lived in a cage, so when he came toour home we permitted him to free range in the back yard, which wasfenced with anchor fencing.

I placed chicken wire on the ground horizontally along theinside perimeter of the anchor fencing in order to preventhim from digging under and out of our yard. He would notallow us to even touch him for six months. As prey species,rabbits are very, very cautious.

Eventually, Montie became a very loving and responsive rabbitwho trusted me implicitly and would never fail to shower me withkisses, even when I was doing things to him like cutting hisnails. He remained that way even after we providedhim with to sibling does for company.

My point is, give your new buns lots of time. Talk to them alot, especially in high pitched baby talk and never fail to acknowledgethem when you walk by for not to do so is a breach of rabbit ettiquetteand an insult.

How do I know that you might ask? Well, link to theLanguage of Lagomorphs and learn how to interpret "Rabbit Speak:"

