Well-Known Member
Hi everyone so today at 1130 Cadbury has his veryfirst vet I decided that since he's going to be out the cageanyway Id clean his cage and rearrange a couple numberone..I have to get him a hay bowl that hangs on the cage because heuses his hay as a bed then eats it:?..the more I move it around themore he makes a bed out of it..number 2 Im debabting on whether Ishould have bedding or not..he really doesnt use it..he usually digs itout the way and lays on the bottom floor..he doesnt have a wire floorhe has a plastic one and seems pretty comfy(what do u all think)..hestill hasnt learned to use the potty I do think he pees in it but Iwont know for sure until the bedding is removed but I dont smellanything..but he poops all over the cage and the more i scoop it intothe liter box the more he doesnt care and poops all over I think he'sbeing rather territorial at the time ..Ive heard bunnies dothat..hopefully it'll get better..another thing is im going to startputting vanilla extract in his water like someone on here suggested..but as far as liter..what is best..because right now i have the carefresh in there ..I saw thats what they did at Petsmart they used it forbedding and as this a good idea..and what since Im not goingto have any bedding on the floor what if he poops on it and pees on it..should i leave very lil bedding scattered around just in case he hasan accident..and then scoop it into his liet box..and what questionsshould I ask the vet..Cadbury is still kinda nervous when we touch himbut Its only been four days so I should expect that..and he's onlypooped on the floor once sense i started letting him roam the househe's real good at goin in his cage to useit but still wontuse the litter it'll come in time..what do uall think..I know these are alot of questions..but u all have been veryhelpful sense Ive had him I just want your opinons..Thanks a bunch