cleaning hands, cleaning ears - - sooo cute

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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
Reaction score
, Massachusetts, USA
It is absolutely adorable watching Tina& Turbo first clean their hands, then pull down their ears,clean them, then their hands again, clean their legs, etc then cleaneach other! I LOVE watching them do this! I could watch forever!
I know...I love watching them bathe.

It even melted the heart of one of my friends, who's first comment whenhe walked in the door and saw the buns was, "You know what I think ofwhen I look at them? Hosenfefer!!" And then helaughed. Coulda kicked him...hehe!!

Ever since he saw Flower cleaning her ears and paws like that, though,he's started coming around and petting her and warming up to both ofthem in general. He even said, "Aww!!" when he saw her yawnand stretch last night! Hehe!!

Bunnies melt the hearts of even the toughest people! So cute!! :D
I love it, too. That's what pulled meinto the bunny world. I walked into a Petco two years ago toget my dog something and they had a lop in the front. He wasstanding up and cleaning his loppy ears and I thought it was the cutestthing in the world.

I ran home, convinced my husband to let me get one for our daughter(hee hee - we all know it was really for me) and ran back to get one!

That's how Snuggy came into my life (followed by three more loppy babies).

Here's Jordi starting:


And in the middle of it:


I know, its so cute.

Tank will clean himself like that when I take him out for his walks andeveryone stops to watch. Then of course they try to pet himand I have to fend them. No one believes me when I say hewill bite their hands off....everyone seems dead set on learning thehard way!
After a year I still stop what i'm doing towatch bath time. We can always tell when Holly's about to startcleaning either her face or her ears because she'll do what we callboxing. That's how we know to watch closely.
I LOVE it when mine clean their ears. They are all lops and it looks like a human girl, brushing her hair.

I think that's another reason I only have lops.
